Mike receives an Instagram message from Philip K (IG dyslexsyk) about Flickr, a Facebook Messenger message from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob) about developing film including thoughts on hardening fixers, emails from Regalado Santos (IG pretty_nifty) about inkjet printing, Richard Hall (IG connexions) about developing expired color film as black and white with stand developing, and Kiran Atwaroe (Flickr diabloco2002) about his photographic journey to film. Also, announces the winner of the Expired Film Photography Facebook Group photo contest, gets goodies in the mail including a print from co-host Andre Domingues, some Pentax 67 caps from Simon Forster (IG simonforsterphotographic) of the Classic Lenses Podcast and the Large Format Photography Podcast sent by Ben Couto (IG bencouto, http://caps.coutocameracompany.com), a new zine from Matt Murray (IG mattloves, www.mattlovescameras.com) from the Matt Loves Cameras Podcast, a new zine from Daniel Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, www.danielnovakphoto.com/zines) and info about his new community project "The Twin Lens Challenge". Next, we have Andre Domingues submitting an interview with Hamish Gill (IG hamishgill, www.35mmc.com) about the cancellation of The Photography Show, using social media and live streams for promoting ideas and products, the future of photography trade shows, how these weird times have forced people to connect more through the internet, the state of social media now, and gate keeping in the community. Finally, a call in camera review from Ian Turpin (IG ian_ctee) from The Ordinary Photographer Podcast about the Kodak Instamatic 500, and a listener music track from Mario Piper (IG mariopiper) from the Gen-X Photography Podcast with a track called "Mother Nature".