Mike receives a lumen print from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob, www.stcyrphoto.blogspot.com), and a new photography book from Kim Beil (IG kebeil) called "Good Pictures, A History of Popular Photography" about trends throughout photographic history. Also, Mike interviews Jakob Eriksson (IG westeros_reactor) and we cover how he got back into film photography, VHS, Vinyl, photography vs. marital status, the importance of family photos vs. art photography, archiving memories, the film photography market and shooting during Covid 19 in Sweden, film scanning and hints about his plan for creating a new film scanner solution! Next we have a call in from Eric Dan (www.35mmlove.com, IG 35mmlove) about Kodak Tri-X, a call in introduction from Keith Sharples who just joined the film community and started a new podcast called "The Jazz and Photography Years Re-Visited". Finally, the listener music track is from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) called "Silky Hair".
Link to Kim Beil's article mention in the episode: