Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast
Emails from Bob Matter (IG bobmatter) and Ian Turpin from The Ordinary Photographer Podcast (IG ian_ctee). A print from Pete Donovan (IG petedonovanphoto, FB Group Film & Letter Pen Pal Exchange) and a zine from Wendy Gunderson (IG filmroadtrip, IG myirietime, A solo show interview with Dale Rogers (IG photo_rangers, IG salamanderrepublic,, FB page Photorangers, FB group photorangerscommunity) about how he got into photography, running film photo workshops in Australia, his website, film simulations vs. actual film, pinhole photography, astro photography, his top reasons for film, and his first zine. Next, a call in camera review from Nigel Cliff (IG wordsleyboy) for the Yashica 35, congrats to Hamish Gill (IG hamishgill, IG 35mmcblog) for the Pixl-latr shipping, and thanks to Dave Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube theoldcameraguy) for using one of Mike's music tracks for his recent excellent YouTube video on Lomography Metropolis film. Finally, a listener music track from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) called "Untitled".