Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast
A listener interaction solo show with emails from Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi) and Kevin Johnson ( Shout outs to Alex Morrison (IG alexmorrison35) for using Mike's music on his appearance on the Sunny 16 Presents On Location Episode 14, prints and a Gutterboy cassette from Jakob Eriksson (IG westeros_reactor), and a beautiful zine titled "Southport Pier" from Mark Boadey ( Next, we have part two of Mike's interview with Alex Purcell (IG grainyblur, twitter grainyblur) from the Soot and Whitewash Podcast (IG sootandwhitewash) where we discuss working man's cameras, Russian cameras, 4x5, contact prints, paper negatives, making developers, and dyslexia and its influence on his photography and creative outlets. Finally, a call in camera review from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) for the Canon A1 and an original music track from Alex Purcell titled "Untitled 11".