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This is the official podcast platform of Nelson Iheagwam Ministries.
We envision men in their multitude saved, trained and sent out for the work of the ministry.
We love you
The podcast Nelson Iheagwam Ministries is created by Nelson Iheagwam Ministries. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Everything is good to the degree to which it conforms to God, and everything is evil to the degree to which it does not conform to God.
No attribute of God conflicts with any other attribute of God. He is as good and just when He rewards good as He is good and just when He recompenses evil with justice.
If God is just, and the message of His severity against sin and His punishing of the guilty is clear, how then is the Christian message that God is justifying the unjust?
The only answer is Mercy. God, in His divine mercy, decided to die on the cross for us.
Listen to this message and learn about the Justice of God.
Christianity is between God and man, but God must always be the main focus because He is eternal and we are limited. We cannot live for ourselves neither can we leave for Men.
God exist for himself and Man exist to give God glory. If anything we do is done away from God’s plan, we are declaring sufficiency in ourselves instead of being dependent on the creator.
Our giving, our honour, our love is reciprocal; God is the one that First gave and everything we do is all replicating the goodness he first showed to us.
You cannot separate the Aseity of God from the rightful dependence of man.
The rightful posture of the created to the creator is worship. The rightful posture of that which is time bound to that which is eternal is worship!
Sin wants us to choose self over God. It wants us to pick us not God.
The moment we recognize that we are dependent on God, only then can we continue to live the way God expects us to. We must recognise God as our only source.
Listen to this sermon and be blessed.
When we reflect on the Majesty of God, our response should naturally be one of worship. He is worthy of our highest worship because of His greatness. When the quality of our worship diminishes, it often reveals that our view of the One we worship isn’t grand or majestic enough. Our God is both majestic and deeply personal; ever present with us. He stands apart, unchanging, forever.
Take time to listen to this powerful sermon on the Majesty of God, and be blessed.
Can our minds ever conceive God fully? How did God choose to make Himself known, and what does His revelation teach us about His heart?
What about His attributes? How is His infinite nature revealed in the profound mystery of the Trinity?
In this sermon, Pastor answers these questions about this Incomprehensible God we serve. It is our prayer that the eyes of your understanding are enlightened as you listen.
Knowing God is the foundation of every Christian practice. Without it, prayer, worship, and purpose become misaligned. Our lives find true meaning when centered on God, not on our desires or misconceptions.
This teaching challenges us to seek personal encounters with God, avoid creating idols from false images of Him, and let His grace guide our walk.
Take time to meditate on who God truly is. Listen to this teaching and grow in your knowledge of Him!
Seasons like the new year call for gratitude and reflection; an opportunity to pause, pray, and align with God’s purpose. We are called to live by a higher standard, God’s standard. Some blessings await the version of us still in the making, so let’s step boldly into the new year, focused on His will.
It is our prayer that you are blessed and charged up for the new year by this powerful sermon.
Worship is not just about singing a song; it’s about giving God the honor He truly deserves. It’s a deliberate act of reverence, done according to His pattern, not our preferences. Our hearts and our mouths must align, offering worship that is pure and intentional. Let’s remember that worship is about Him, not us. He is a God deserving of meticulous and heartfelt praise!
Listen to this powerful sermon on Worship and be blessed!
Scripture speaks of the living hope we’ve been born into as believers—a hope that is neither corruptible nor fleeting like the things of this world. It is the hope of glory, made evident by Christ who is in us through the Spirit.
Listen to this sermon and be encouraged in the hope we eagerly await as followers of Christ!
Priesthood has a response,we don’t practice dead orthodoxy. In prayer and worship, there’s a response to be gotten.
The God of the Bible isn’t just to be known; He’s to be experienced. The priesthood we’ve come into carries a tangible outworking.
Be stirred as you listen!
From the structure of the Levitical priesthood in the Old Testament, we see how each member of the house of Levi had a unique role in keeping the fire on the altar burning continually.
Now, as priests in the new covenant, we each have an important part to play in fulfilling God’s will. As believers, we are called to align with what God would have us do.
We pray you are instructed and edified as you listen.
Eating in Scripture symbolized fellowship and covenant. Jesus revealed that the Passover and manna pointed to Him as the true bread of life, calling us to partake in His covenant and eternal life. As priests, we now offer sacrifices: our praise, actions, resources, and lives.
We must live to reflect His glory and lead our homes as examples of faith.
Listen to this teaching and embrace your calling as a priest in Christ!
From scriptures, we see the role of the priest is to offer sacrifices of atonement and to offer intercessory prayers for the people before the Lord.
Under the new covenant, because of Christ’s sacrifice, we now have access, so when we stand in the place of prayer, it’s an act of worship, expressing our honor for Him.
Listen to this teaching and be stirred to pray!
In the Old Testament, the high priest entered the Holy of Holies to offer atonement for Israel's sins regularly. Under the new covenant, Jesus is our eternal High Priest, whose once-for-all sacrifice has redeemed us.
We pray that as you listen to this teaching, you gain a deeper understanding of Jesus as our High Priest!
God, needing nothing, calls us to worship for our good. Like Israel called from Egypt, we are called to reflect His holiness and shine His light.
As priests, we teach His truth, guard His holiness, and model His ways. Worship is about Him; our lives must tell His story.
Listen and be inspired to live for His glory!
It’s our annual camp meeting soon and in this message Pastor Nelson teaches us on how to position our hearts and get ready for camp meeting.
It is a time of consecration and refocusing our hearts on God. It’s about seeking Him with intention, not worrying about tomorrow but being present today. With open hearts and attentiveness, we come together to grow in faith, build godly principles, and live to please Him.
Don’t forget to share with family and friends.
Rounding up the Faith series, Pastor Nelson taught on Faith vs foolishness. As believers, We put our complete faith in God, but we should also make sure not to do away with common sense. We live our lives by the wisdom of God. It is wisdom to obey God! If the Lord says to do, it may sometimes look foolish but it is wise to obey God!
Some questions were also answered in conclusion of the teaching series. It is our prayer that your mind is renewed as you listen.
Faith is not just an act, it acting according to the word of God. Our faith confessions must be actual faith confessions, that is; confessing what we believe. If we don't confess what we believe, it can be questioned if we truly believe. God is the one who creates things with His words, what we do is speak those words.
Listen to this teaching on Vocal Faith and be blessed!
Faith is believing in God who is faithful, true and good. Beyond looking at the seemingly impossibilities around you, you can persevere and focus solely on God, holding on to His word which is a testament of His faithfulness.
Real Faith is tenacious. Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam as we continue in the Faith is series.
Faith is following God. In this sermon titled Following Faith, Pastor Nelson expounds on how Faith is a relationship and not a formula. Faith involves bringing our unbelief to Jesus and trusting Him even when things don’t go as we expect. A man of great Faith is a man of prayer. It is not about commanding God but trusting both His power and wisdom. Ultimately, faith is not just about receiving from God, but about following Him.
Be blessed as you listen.
We start a new teaching series, learning about a worldwide popular concept, FAITH. Looking at scripture, we see three major contexts on what Faith is. This teaching serves as an introductory into the series on Faith. We look at what the word of God says on what Faith is and what Faith is not.
Listen to this message by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
Prayer is an expression of humility. If God feels far, all we have to do is draw near to Him and He will draw near to us. We cannot serve God only when it is convenient. The Christian life is not an 'ad on' to your earthly life, the Christian life is a surrendered life.
In this sermon, Pastor Nelson teaches on the importance and the hows of building a prayer altar.
It’s our prayer that you’re blessed as you listen.
Is the gift of tongues still present today? Is tongues a human language? Is praying in tongues gibberish? Why speak in tongues? When should we pray in tongues? Should we pray in tongues in public? These and several other questions about the gift of tongues were properly answered and explained according to scripture in this teaching.
It is our prayer that you are blessed and edified by this teaching.
The Bible instructs us to Love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul and with all our mind. Loving God and knowing God in this entirety is Worship. Being mindful in prayer is a form of Worship to God. Our minds can be fruitful in prayers when we pray contemplating the Mighty God we are praying to.
Listen to this edifying teaching on praying to God and be blessed.
Baptism and Communion are important sacraments of the Christian faith, we see this spoken of in scriptures.
In this teaching, Pastor Nelson expounds on their significance not just as mere symbols but important signs pointing to Christ.
Be blessed as you listen!
Christianity is a taught faith and it is deeply rooted in the Word of God. Believers are called to gather, stir one another up, and exemplify the life of a true believer. When we gather, we are stirred up in faith and equipped to do good works. Our time in fellowship is essential, not just for our own growth, but for the blessing and strengthening of others. Each of us has something to give, and we are called to be a blessing to one another. The righteousness God has called us to must be reflected in how we live, as a testament to the powerful work He’s done in our hearts.
Be blessed as you listen to this powerful sermon.
Desiring spiritual gifts is important, but our motives must be grounded in love and service for God. If we're not careful, our pursuit can shift toward a power drive or recognition, leading us away from God's purpose. In this message, we'll see how to seek these gifts with the right heart, ensuring they are used to serve others, build us up, and glorify God.
It is our prayer that as you listen to this message, you are blessed and stirred up to desire spiritual gifts with a heart of love and service.
The gifts of the Spirit are just as important today as they were in the early church. In 1 Corinthians 12:1, Paul reminds us not to be ignorant about these gifts, and throughout scripture, we see him teaching the church about their significance. In this panel session, Pastor Nelson and his friends in ministry will answer common questions about spiritual gifts in our time.
Let’s explore how the Holy Spirit is working through us today. Be blessed!
Our love for Jesus should be evident in all we do, even in the smallest actions. This sermon teaches that faith doesn't shield us from trials, but through them, God shapes us to reflect Christ. In every season, whether we are in abundance or in lack, we should trust God's goodness.
We pray that as you listen, may you be encouraged and strengthened. Don’t forget to share this message with others!
The Christian Faith is practiced communally. Having an individualistic Christianity is not God's plan. Biblically we see Paul describe men as a means to communicate God’s goodness to His people. Ministry gifts are expressions of the goodness of God; they exist for the body of Christ and for the growth of the believer. The believer must be grounded in truth and thoroughly equipped that they are not moved by false doctrine.
It is our prayer that as you listen to this sermon, you are better for it. Don’t forget to share with your family and friends.
Oh, what a glorious day it will be when we finally behold the One we've longed for—the hope of our glory, the fulfillment of every promise. All our faith, all our waiting, will find its beautiful completion in His presence.
Listen to this powerful message on Glorification by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
In this sermon, we dove into the topic of sanctification and how it plays out in the Christian life; shaping and aligning the believer to God’s will.
Listen and be blessed.
The Bible shows we are justified by faith but what does this mean? How does this play out in the legalities of salvation and what does justification mean for the man in Christ?
In this sermon, we will be exploring the topic "Name Tag: Justification"
Listen and be blessed.
The preservation of the Saints is the demonstration of God’s power to keep us. He is faithful to complete the work He has started and we are thus empowered to remain kept by Him. As true as it is that God is faithful is as true that He will confirm it to the very end! In this comes our confidence as believers.
It is our prayer that as you listen to this message, you are confident in God’s keeping power and instructed on how He keeps us.
Being in Christ is an incredibly powerful reality that liberates us from the grip of hell.
The reason Jesus came was to destroy the works of the Devil; sin. In Jesus saving us from sin, He delivered us. Anyone who believes in Jesus has been delivered from the power of sin and has been conveyed into the kingdom of light. We now have the authority to trample upon the works of darkness!
Listen to this powerful message titled Delivered and be stirred.
We live in a world where thousands of things fight for our attention and to be the center of lives. However, with prayers, our desires can be purified and our lives be refocused on what and who matters, God.
There is so much we can change when we prevail in prayers. Our consistent communion with God in the study of his word and in prayer births great results.
Listen to this charge on prayer and be edified
To be redeemed means to be bought back from the power of sin by the blood of Christ on the cross. On the strength on the blood of Christ, we can now say, there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ. In salvation, three things must be obvious: The utter helplessness of man, Sovereign intervention of God, and the obvious consecration of the man in Christ. Jesus gave himself as a worthy exchange for us.
Listen to this powerful message on “Redeemed” and be blessed.
Continuing in the Name Tag series, this teaching on "Righteousness" emphasised the believer's position between Sinai and Zion, balancing reverence and fear of God. Sanctification transforms both mindset and conduct, fostering a growing hatred for sin. Holiness brings honor, requiring consecration in our lives, and though we may not be sinless, we will sin less. Believers possess both legal realities (our standing with God) and vital realities (the outworkings of that standing). The law's purpose is to reveal our need for a savior, with righteousness being both a legal and vital reality.
It is our prayer that as you listen to this message, you are be blessed.
The scripture describes God as the thrice Holy God; He is in a class all by himself. We are holy because God has called us holy. The believers conduct is an outflow of who God is. The Holy Spirit lives within us and has empowered us to live in the way we are called to live; Holy. When we are exposed to the Holiness of God, we begin to see everything that God is and we are not but received through the blood of Jesus. In God calling us Holy is grace and in us living Holy is faith!
Listen to this teaching on the Holiness of God and be stirred!
The Bible describes Jesus as the Lamb that was slain for our sins. By the Sacrifice of Jesus, we receive forgiveness for sins. In the fall of man, man sinned and by the Death of Jesus, we are saved from sin and restored in forgiveness. This is a legal status given to us as a gift of Grace. By reason of our belief in Jesus, we are forgiven.
Listen to this teaching on our belief in the Gospel and the forgiveness of Sins there of and be blessed.
In this second teaching on "Saved, Adopted & Blessed," Pastor Nelson expanded on our understanding of salvation and adoption in Christ. Having the Spirit of God confirms our adoption, granting us privileges we couldn't earn ourselves. This adoption allows us to call God 'Father' and assures us of our place in His family. A blessed man is not just man who is materially buoyant but one who is declared righteous without works, one whose sins the Father will remember no more.
It is our prayer that as you listen to this message, you are conscious of who you are in Christ and what you have received as a result of believing the gospel.
Our belief in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross bestows on us certain good implications. We are saved from Sin, death and Wrath. Adopted into the Sonship in Christ, and we are blessed and forgiven. This teaching seeks to increase our knowledge of Who God has called us in Christ, radically changing our walk with and Worship of God.
Listen to this teaching on what it means to be saved and how we are saved in Christ and be edified.
The devil always seeks to challenge God's word in our hearts. Without knowing the word of God, we become potential victims because God's word is our weapon against the enemy. The difference between Jesus’ temptation and Eve’s own was Jesus resisting the devil with the word of God. The truth of the Word of God must thus take root in our hearts. That we may stand strong and not be deceived.
Listen to this powerful sermon titled Name Tag and be blessed.
The Equipping Center is One year old. In this thanksgiving Sunday sermon, Pastor Nelson exhorts the church on the reason why we are here and our role in God’s plan. As members of the church of Christ, we are co-laborers in the vineyard. Our love for God should result in fervent service to His Church.
Listen to this teaching and be blessed.
In our lives as believers, devotion that doesn’t change us is strange. Nothing else should command a greater passion, diligence and dedication from us than our devotion and walk with God. Whatever reason we want to give for not praying, at the bottom of it is pride. Pride and prayer don’t come-exist because prayer is humility. Honour the Lord and esteem him highly in your heart.
Listen to this short charge by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
Selah, in this long teaching by Pastor Nelson, he expounds on the Scriptures. Touching on the subject of God’s plan for church structure, giving and our service to God and His church.
We must not pursue making money at the expense of God’s work. As you listen to this teaching, we hope you are edified and you learn not to allow money have a strong hold on you heart .
This message concludes our Christocurrency series, Pastor Nelson addressed key questions and topics about money; Is borrowing a sin? Is betting a sin? practical approaches to managing money and savings, how believers should view wealth and why it matters, scriptural guidance on savings and budgeting.
These topics and more were thoroughly covered, combining biblical principles with common-sense financial advice.
Be blessed as you listen to this teaching.
God’s providence and kindness are real, and it's important to understand the truth about financial miracles and how believers should respond to God's generosity. God doesn't want us to have material riches at the expense of true riches.
As long as our souls are preserved, prosperity is possible and safe in our hands. All that we have comes from God therefore, all that we have must go back to serving His cause!
Listen to this powerful message with an open heart and be blessed
Money conversations should not only revolve around our prudency or contentment, but also around our generosity
and the driving force behind this. Are we giving because we want to be known? Are we giving becuase we expect blessings in return? We have a great example in God who in his compassion freely gave to us. Now as children of God, compassion for the weak, productivity of the saints, and allegiance to God must guide our generosity.
Listen to this teaching on guidelines on giving and be blessed.
Concerning our generosity as believers, the foundation for us receiving from God cannot be because we gave to Him. The foundation of God's giving is His kindness.
Why and How then should we give according to scriptures? Are offerings and church giving man made innovations or Gods plan? What are the healthy and excessive practices concerning giving and generosity?
These questions were thoroughly discussed in this message. It’s our prayer that you learn with your hearts opened as you listen to this sermon.
Our standard as Christians is very much different from the world's and this must show in our attitude to work. Each day, we wake up seeking to crush capitalism, and there are times when capitalism crushes us. In times like this, we sometimes wonder what life would be like without the necessity of work. We must know that work is God's good idea for man and it has been so right from the beginning.
This teaching aims to remind us and challenge our work ethic in this present world we live in while we look forward to eternity. Listen and be blessed.
Focusing on the treatise called Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards, Pastor Nelson expounds on the signs of the Spirit amongst us. We're often led to believe that God shows or displays His power in a heated way. However, in the scriptures, we learn that God may not always be in the fire and earthquake.
Is the Lord glorified and exalted when we meet? In the end, who is the focus, Jesus or man? These are questions to ponder as you listen to this edifying sermon.
The closer we are to the bible rightly exegeted, the further we are from deception. The scriptures must be our guide and yard stick when we encounter people who claim to be God’s mouthpieces. Avoiding Balaam means being careful in our excitement towards every word or doctoring when first encountered. God’s word remains our standards, not people’s experiences and opinions.
Listen to this teaching with an open heart and be edified.
One thing to learn in our walk with God is that there's nothing too big or too small to pray about. We show our reliance on God when we come to him with everything. The best part is that God is willing and has instructed us to lay all our burdens at His feet.
This teaching will remind you that God will always take care of you therefore, do not worry about tomorrow. Pray and pray again.
Concerning money matters, the Scriptures are clear in instructing us to be generous towards the needs of the church and our brethren. We’ve been called to live a selfless life, and this implies not amassing wealth for just ourselves. You can grow in generosity, giving and blessing others regardless of the status of your wealth, having a heart of gold.
Listen to this teaching on living a generous life by Pastor Nelson, be edified and allow God’s word find expression in your life.
Concerning money matters, the Bible is clear on how we should make use of money. This should serve as a guideline when dealing with money. One important mindset we must have as believers is that God is our source. All we have are due to His providence, but it doesn’t end there. Better than the gifts and blessings He gives, is who He wants us to be.
In this sermon, Pastor Nelson explores the biblical perspective on money, focusing on its purpose and how believers should manage finances. Listen and be blessed by this powerful sermon. Do well to share with family and friends
In this teaching on the Wonders of the resurrection, we answered two major questions; Did Jesus really rise from the dead? and what the resurrection mean for us. The resurrection is not just a good story but it is the foundation of our faith. We are now united with Christ. God's final answer to sickness or lack is not healing or possessions, it is a body that will never be sick again and we are sure of this because Jesus rose from the grave.
Listen to this powerful sermon on the wonders of the resurrection and be stirred.
In this short exhortation on living for Jesus, Pastor Nelson charges us to live our lives faithful to our calling Christ, as an offering to God, who gave us His all and has remained faithful in keeping us. We can and should live in full reverence to God, in our personal devotion and when we gather with other saints.
Listen to this charge and be edified.
Have you ever been in a large crowd of strangers, and wondered about the salvation of these people? Did Jesus die for these people? Would they go to heaven if they don't believe in Jesus but are morally good? Can the 7 billion plus people living in the world now be saved and go to heaven? We dive deep into this sermon with different thoughts on the salvation of mankind. We look at two different views on Salvation, Calvinism and Arminianisms alongside the Scriptures, with a study on Romans 9.
Listen to this teaching with an open heart and open Bible, following alongside to learn the truth of the gospel.
Is your faith built on a solid foundation? Our Easter Bible study, Anastasis, kicked off with a powerful session on Apologetics. We explored the historical evidence for Jesus' resurrection and the reasons behind our faith. Pastor Nelson teaches the "what" and "why" of Christianity according to the Scriptures, equipping us to defend our beliefs confidently. ️
Listen to this study and be enriched in your faith!
Have you ever considered how much wealth a believer should or shouldn’t have? Can Christians desire to be billionaires? One thing is clear when it comes to money talk in scriptures, a man's life should not consist in the abundance of things he possesses. If you live life only as being wealthy on earth then you have missed Gods plan for your life.
Listen to this teaching on True Gold and be blessed.
Is it possible to serve God and pursue financial security? The Bible's perspective on money and possessions is clear. We must not exalt our pursuit of world possessions, above our relationship with God. In this teaching, we learn how we can prioritize God and set our affections away from Money and towards God.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson with an open heart and be blessed.
We are beginning a new series on learning about money. In this teaching titled 'Fundamentals', Pastor Nelson provides an introduction on how our faith in God should reflect in all areas of our lives, including our outlook on financial prosperity. Does God bless people with wealth? Does it matter how we make money? Should building wealth be a major focus in fulfilling our purpose? These questions and more are answered in this teaching.
Our prayer is that as you listen, you will be edified and corrected on your perspective about money. Listen and be blessed.
We wrap up our teaching series on The Believers’ Love walk learning The Love Legacy. Family has always been God’s idea as we can see through scripture. The all wise God created marriage and tells us how to act in that marriage, we must therefore approach family and raising children from God’s perspective and not the world’s.
Listen to this powerful sermon on Family and be blessed. Make sure to share with friends and family.
We continue the teaching on Butterflies. As humans, it can be very difficult to navigate how feelings and emotions impact decisions we make especially as regards Love. Beyond our feelings, we must work in the will of God. However, we must be careful to not mistake our feelings as affirmations from God.
Listen to this teaching on the interplay between your feelings and God's will by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
How important are our single days? What should we do in this period of our lives? Does God choose for us? When choosing what should we look out for?
These and many more questions were answered in this teaching titled Butterflies.
Listen to this teaching and be instructed. Make sure to share with family and friends
As believers, what’s our premise for love? Where do we get our standards for love from? Does our response to love differ from others?
What impact does unforgiveness have on us?
All these and a few more are answered in this teaching
Listen to this teaching titled Mirror which speaks to the believer’s lovewalk and share with friends and family
It’s February, the popularly proclaimed month for celebrating Love. It is thus essential for us the Church to learn what God’s word says about Love. What better way to learn about Love than from the Creator. In scriptures, we see God being described as Love, and the story of redemption from Genesis to Revelation is woven story of God’s love for us. God is very intentional about us and His Love for us shows this.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson as we start a new series on The Believers’ Love Walk. As you listen be edified.
Have you ever wondered if you can truly figure out what purpose is? And after figuring out, what comes next? One way to know purpose is to ask yourself, "is it worth dying for?" If it is what dying for then it should be the overwhelming drive of your life. Through purpose, we see that Christ, our perfect example, is worth living for and because of that, he is worth dying for.
Listen to this stirring teaching on the workings of purpose by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
It can be truly sad to see Christians who have the Holy Spirit in them living an contradictory life. We must learn to move beyond just knowing that God’s Spirit is within us, to living out this revelation. It must count that The Holy Spirit is at work within us. Try the Spirit everyday, walk in the Spirit everyday.
Listen to this teaching on walking in the influence of the Spirit by Pastor Nelson and be stirred from within.
Our chief aim and purpose as humans right from the beginning has always been to please God. In carrying out the purpose of our lives through assignments, we will have to make sacrifices for this cause. The Bible is filled with examples of these, and we see Jesus as the ultimate example, sacrificing His life for us, fulfilling purpose.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson on the importance of sacrifice when it comes to living purposefully and be blessed.
As humans, we live with and interact with several mindsets, opinions, ideologies and worldviews every day. However, one great distinction for us as Christians is that our worldview is different and founded on the Word of God.
We now intentionally live our lives according to the purpose that our creator God has crafted for us.
Listen to this first teaching for the year 2024 by Pastor Nelson as we learn to navigate living on purpose in the new year and beyond.
As we progress into a new year, there’s so much desire to have a great year, however, God is more interested in a better you.
The priority for you should be that the counsel and plans of God must stand in your life in the new year.
Listen to this stirring teaching by Pastor Nelson aligning you with the Will of God as we start the new year.
This was a breakout of song, tongues and interpretation.
Be blessed by this and share it with others as well.
Often times when we think of worship, we think of slow songs. Worship is not about how slow or fast a song is; Worship is anything we do that shows we are 'sold out' for the one who died for us!
Worship 'in Spirit' is not talking about what you do, but where you are, which is in the Spirit.
Listen to this powerful message on the true meaning of worship and be blessed. Share with friends and family
Ever wondered about the origin of Christmas celebrations?
Has your mind ever rejected greetings of Merry Xmas, preferring only the full Merry Christmas?
Listen to this teaching on the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is not just about giving or receiving gifts but has everything to do with God becoming a man; a Creator who became his creation to save his creation.
Be blessed as you listen.
As believers, our access to the Father is based on the authority we received in Christ Jesus. It is important to note that the same divine ability and authority that backs the ministry of Jesus is the same divine ability and authority that back us up when we go in His name. Through scriptures; We now understand that the fact that Jesus died for us means we will live for him. The response to the sacrifice of Christ is the consecration of the believer. The one who paid the price for us by his blood owns us and we must live for Him!
Listen to this teaching and be blessed.
Had questions on the assurance of salvation? This short teaching explains how God has saved us to the uttermost and has guaranteed eternal life for us as a result of our belief in Jesus.
As you listen, let your faith be strengthened in the hope we have in Christ.
We started the second teaching session of our just concluded camp meeting by answering questions on the books of the Bible, the doctrine of the Trinity, the ministry of angels, communion and so on. Pastor Nelson progressed in teaching by emphasising the importance of sound doctrine. The Christian faith is a taught faith, and we see a great foundation built by the Apostles in the scriptures who were particular about the teachings the early church received.
Listen to this teaching on Orthodoxy and be blessed.
Have you been struggling with keeping up with your prayer life in this fast-paced world we live in? Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson on building an altar. As Christians, it is possible to grow in fervency and delight in devotion. We can submit ourselves to the influence of the Spirit as we pray and this goes on to affect every area of our lives.
As you listen to this teaching, be stirred in your hearts to pray.
As believers, eternity is not something to gamble with. The gospel is a specific message that when we believe our eternity is secured. Through believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ we have been saved and eternal life is ours. Believing the gospel means us getting saved but those who do not believe are condemned already. This is why we treat the gospel as an urgent message and not one to gamble with.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson and be stirred up.
In this session of Orthodoxy, Pastor Nelson teaches on the uniqueness of The Holy Bible; guiding us to the truth that it is God’s word and laws of Bible interpretation; how to properly read and interpret scripture. The Bible can be trusted as the word of God with several internal and external evidences. We also learn in this teaching how to avoid the wrong interpretation of scriptures. When studying the word of God, we should approach every scripture wanting to learn what the author intended it to mean.
Be edified as you listen to this teaching
We kicked off our camp meeting with a short charge on engaging prophecy in prayer. We serve a good God who will not withhold any good thing from those he loves. One thing to be reminded of however is that without God, man cannot and without man, God will not. God has decided that his will on earth will be achieved by partnering with men. When we pray, we align ourselves with God's plan for us and with the words he has spoken over us.
Listen to this powerful teaching by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
This stirring teaching by Pastor Nelson focuses on the Power of the Holy Ghost at work in us right when we got saved. This same Power we see in scriptures healing all kinds of sickness, and working diverse miracles is at work in us also. We all of the Spirit of God in us, and we can do the works of Jesus everywhere we are.
Listen to this exhortation on The Creative Power and be stirred.
Through the Old Testament, we see Jesus being foretold. Beginning at Moses, through the psalms and in the prophets. Jesus fulfilled 48 of these prophecies. Repeatedly, Jesus and the New Testament writers rested the credibility of their message in the Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament. These prophecies were all fulfilled in Christ.
In this sermon we learn about these prophecies and their fulfilment and we see that salvation has been God's plan from the very beginning. The salvation plan is not an interruption or a plan that came by chance. Through all these prophecies, we see the intentionality of God.
As you listen to this sermon and being blessed by it, do well to share with family and friends.
Have you ever wondered why blood was needed for the sacrifice of sins? Or the reasons why the Tabernacle was built? Or the roles of High Priests? As we progress in our series on Sketches and Fullness, Pastor Nelson expounds on The High Priest and The Lamb. These had a very sanctified role in the Old Testament relationship between God and the Israelites. Christ came as the perfect Lamb and High Priest, offerings Himself as a sacrifice securing our redemption forever.
As you listen to this teaching, we hope you clearly see the Plan of God for Salvation and Jesus as your High Priest who has atoned for our sins forever.
Continuing in the Gospel series, Pastor Nelson explains the redemptive story on how we can look to Jesus and be saved like the brazen serpent. Scriptures give wisdom unto the believer for the purpose of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. God will perform a working in the heart of those who have believed in the gospel. The believer that is in faith is living in earnest expectation of a messiah that is to come. The same way the brazen serpent was lifted up, is the same way Jesus was lifted up and all you have to do to be saved is look to him and believe.
Listen to this sermon on The Sacrifice, The Serpent, and The Rest and be blessed.
Make sure to share with your family and friends.
Sound doctrine is not just basics, but God’s word and we must learn to know the intent behind each verse, chapter and story. Reading ourselves into the word can take us on the wrong track. As we continue our series, The Gospel Truth, we look at the story of Noah and the building of the ark and how it points to salvation in Christ. We see in Noah’s story the grace of God, Justice of God, Faith in action and Righteousness.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson on the Gospel truth in Noah’s story.
The blessing of Abraham is not only upon Isaac, but also on those who put their faith in Christ. The one who blessed Abraham was greater than Abraham. For Melchizedek to have a blessed Abraham, it is Proof that he was higher than Abraham. Melchizedek was a figure of Jesus in the Old Testament. He was a shadow of the Messiah. Abraham was called a friend of God, because righteousness was imputed into him for his belief. As long as we believe in God, we are friends of God.
In this second part of the Abraham series, Pastor Nelson Expounded more on the Gospel truth by zoning into the life of Abraham. Listen and be blessed. Don’t forget to share with your friends and family.
A Christian is not just someone who believes in Jesus but someone whose mind is renewed and sees from God’s perspective. Christianity is the light by which we see every other thing. One important thing to know is that bad things don’t just happen to good people but to everyone but in different variations. The world we live in is fraught with storms, challenges and issues. Everyone will eventually get to a point where they know that there are bad times in this world. Christianity is not an escape route from these bad times and problems but rather it is hope in these problems.
Listen to this stirring message on floating in the storm by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam and be blessed.
Every person has an idea of eternity in their hearts whether they are conscious of it or not. For every believer, we have a new life, where Christ rules as Lord. In this one lifetime we have, we must give our all to live for what matters, God. In our actions, views, words, decisions and estimations of things we must live through the lens that we will give account to God after this life. To live a Christ Conscious life is to live with eternity in view.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson on our life and eternity and be blessed.
One thing we can learn from looking at life on earth through the lens of scripture is that a life lived chasing pleasures will not end well. Life is not meaningless and man was created by God for a purpose. To walk in this divine purpose is the surest and Safest way to live.
Listen to this teaching from One Special Meeting Lagos on Walking in Purpose by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam and be stirred
Through a careful look at the Holy Bible, we see threads of stories that are interwoven to tell one story, the Salvation Story. In the Old Testament, we have a great example of Abraham, whose story is a type our Faith in Christ. In this teaching, we get to learn how the Gospel has always been the plan of God from inception, and how Abraham’s faith depicts this.
Listen to this teaching on the Gospel truth, Abraham Part 1 by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
The Bible made up of 66 Books divided into the Old and New Testaments has been misinterpreted for years to mean several things outside the actual true theme.
It is expedient to know that Christ is the theme of the entire scriptures. As we study through scriptures, we must see Christ and only Christ, from Genesis through Revelation.
Listen to this teaching on Christ as the center of Scriptures.
The Christian life is an empowered life. We’re joyful not just because of our circumstances but because joy is a fruit of our spirit. In this concluding part of the Joy series, Pastor Nelson does a recap on the teachings in the earlier parts of this series. He reminds us amongst many other things what Joy means for us as believers.
As children of God Jesus is our greatest Joy, and Joy must be shared. We always delight in the things of God and we show it. When we go through hard times, we laugh.
Listen to the final part of the Joy series by Pastor Nelson and be blessed. Do share with family and friends.
As believers, the greatest miracle we have received is a testimony of changed desires, we are instructed through the word to set our affections on the things of God.
We do this by staying with the word, finding delight in the things of God, till we truly find JOY IN THE WORD.
Listen to this sermon by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam and be edified as you do so.
As believers we also go through tough times. Many times in these tough periods, we have questions like “Where is God in my pain”? “why do bad things happen to good people”?
Getting the right answers to these questions should bring us closer to God, and reveal His Steadfast Goodness towards us. In this sermon, Pastor Nelson answered these questions and expounded on what God can do with our pain and how we can sustain our joy as believers through the rough seasons in our lives.
Listen to this message on Joy in the Storm and be blessed. Don’t forget to share with your family and friends
Have you ever pondered on or asked this question "Why is there evil on this earth?" "If God is good, why do bad things happen?" This is one question that both atheists, agnostics and believers ask in response to the evil encountered in different parts of the world. In this teaching, Pastor Nelson expounds on the questions and provides clear answers that will help bring clarity. God is good, we live in a fallen world, man has free will and there's the devil.
Listen to this teaching on the Goodness of God and the prevalence of evil on the earth.
Perseverance in prayer does not indicate a lack of faith or an attempt to encourage God. To continue in prayer implies to stay. Investment in the spirit might take time to bear fruit; this is why investing in the spirit entails not only increasing spiritual activity but also decreasing other activities.
There is such a thing as ministering to the Lord, where the emphasis is on loving on God rather than on your wants; prayer must be more than requesting and getting, and your walk with God must be more than following rules.
Listen to this final teaching in our Flaming Sunday series and be stirred.
A man who takes the word of God to heart is one who does the word of God and is blessed by it. Your Christian experience should always be in line with the revelation of God’s word. Praying should be beyond a practice for us to share our needs and move on, there is a way to pray and this can be taught. Praying the right way helps us make the most of our time in fellowship and communicating with God.
Listen to the second part in the Flaming Sunday series by Pastor Nelson and be edified.
God’s original design is for men to always pray. Prayer is humility, it is acknowledging God’s infinitude and man’s finitude. As believers when we pray, we show that we know that there is one that hears prayers. It is not strange when we fellowship with God, rather what is strange is man not in constant fellowship with God. We stay continuously in prayers, leaning on and trusting our powerful God.
Listen to part one of the Flaming Sunday teaching series by Pastor Nelson and let your hearts be stirred as you do so.
In God’s plan, devotion is not designed to be just for a season but to be consistent and continuous. It’s easy to let the pressures and cares of this world distract us from fellowship with our Father, but we should fight for our fervency, and be intentional in our fellowship with God. In these should be our uttermost satisfaction.
Need a charge to set your heart ablaze for God?
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam and be blessed as you do so.
To be regenerated is to be born again. This is a very popular phrase in Christianity. We live and were born in a fallen world, with the sin nature at work, estranged from God. However, by placing our faith in the resurrected Jesus, we get regenerated, stony hearts made flesh and now we can engage with the affairs of God and fellowship in the Spirit. This life we live now, we live regenerated by the Spirit at work in us.
Listen to this teaching on Regeneration in Salvation by Pastor Nelson and be edified.
Getting a health check for our bodies is widely advised all over the world, as this enables us as humans to ensure that we are healthy and our body is functioning as it should. This applies also to our Spiritual life. We must learn have moments of introspection when we check for vital signs to know if we are on the right path and growing. Just like we get our vitals checked, how do we know when our spiritual health is not functioning optimally?
In this teaching, Pastor Nelson pointed out four vital signs a believer needs to look out for that indicates poor spiritual health.
Listen to this teaching on Vital Signs and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.
Church culture is the feel of a local assembly. There were specific things that characterised the early church, and these should still be maintain today. The church is to train the saints to become ministry gifts. Our Christian lives should be able to provoke another believer to do better in their faith. In honour, giving, edification and attitude to worship we must build a steadfast culture as a body.
Listen to this teaching on church culture by Pastor Nelson. Share with your friends and family.
The foundation of the Church is all Supernatural, Jesus walked on earth, performed numerous miracles, died and resurrected. Beyond a historical view, it was wrought by the power of God. This same power has been given to the church. We now have authority and power in Christ to replicate the same miracles Jesus did, and openly triumph over the works of darkness.
Be stirred by this teaching on the Supernatural Church by Pastor Nelson.
The life we have received in Christ came at a cost, a sacrifice. In living out this life, we have been called to a high standard, with a higher calling to live out the will of God. This comes with a cost. As we continue to grow in the word of God, we must learn spiritual discipline, and be able to make sacrifices even as we esteem the things of God over the things of the world. In choosing God daily, we have to let go of other things.
Listen to this teaching on The Cost that comes with living a fervant Christian life by Pastor Nelson and be edified.
The word of God informs and educated us in culture which is why we get our final authority from it. As believers it is God’s design that our deepest relationships should be in Christ. You can’t separate your faith in Christ Jesus from the love for the saints. In our relationships with the saints, we receive accountability and safety.
Listen to Intertwined, a powerful message on relationships in Christ by Pastor Nelson. Don’t forget to share with your family and friends.
One body with many members, this is how Paul described the church. Bound in unity by our faith and the Spirit. There are so many things we can accomplish as one body when we work together in unity. We have been called from isolation in darkness, into a powerful family and one body in Christ. As we progress in unity, our impact in reaching the world for Christ becomes greater.
Listen to this teaching in the power of Oneness and be blessed.
Knowing the reason why we do certain things as Christians helps to amplify the importance. Having established the biblical fact that we have been saved into a family with responsibilities, it is essential to know why we gather as a family and church. When we meet have the opportunity to fellowship with God as one body and to establish a close knit of love, edifying ourselves, and stirring each other into good works. We are always better when we fellowship with others, doing the Christian life in isolation is not God’s idea.
Listen to this teaching on Why we gather and be stirred to remain in fellowship with the brethren.
We progress in the series on the church, and we now learn the significance of belonging to a family. God is a thoughtful father, knowing we can't do life alone, and has provided us with access to a family we can love, share the same faith and spur each other unto good works. Suppose we lose access to our immediate family, friends and associations due to our faith, thanks to this institution of God, the local church. In that case, we have gained a family for eternity.
Have you ever wondered why the local church is important, listen to this teaching and be blessed.
We have learnt that upon getting born again, we are called into a family of fellow believers which God as our Father. This family is called the Church, which becomes one of the most significant influences on our lives as Christians. We gather as one to fellowship with each other and with God, and there must be an attitude of love, reverence and responsibility towards the local church to which we belong to.
Listen to this message on the safety net God has set for us, the local church and be edified.
We have been given the right to be called sons of God because we have received God by believing in Jesus’ sacrifice. We got born again into a family, with Christ as our head. In this family, we are on body bound together by the Spirit, with God as our Father. In the family, we have responsibilities to one another and as a body each joint must supply for the family to function as God as intended.
Listen to the powerful message on God’s Family by Pastor Nelson. Don’t forget to share with your family and friends.
The word of God is not a tool we use when it’s convenient, God plans that from His word we are taught and instructed to be solid Christians. The doctrine makes the disciple, and with the word, we get stronger in our walk with God. By sound teaching of the word of God, a believer can build discernment and know the heart of God. Hence the decision of what church to attend is essential. How God's word is taught in a church should be a major factor when making a choice.
Listen to the message by Pastor Nelson on the marks of a good church and what to look out for when choosing a church.
The things of the Spirit are taught. If not trained, we would have believers who love the Lord but are deformed in their walk with God. Believers who are not taught about Spiritual things will excel in other aspects of their lives besides this. God has designed that the believer is equipped and brought to maturity by teaching. We can know the ways, and hows by learning what the scripture has to say on these things, and it helps to serve as a guide for us.
Listen to this message by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
When it comes to the Prophetic, many Christians have maintained varying stances that it is mysterious, and the Scriptures do not say much about it. However, it is clear that the gift of the Spirit given by God is for our edification, and they must always be in line with God's character and the word of God. We must not let to do Spirituals anyhow we like, there is a way it must be done.
Listen to this teaching on Intelligent Prophetic by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam at School of Prophets. We pray that this serves as a teaching of correction, and edifies your heart.
The authenticity and foundation of our faith rest on the Empty Tomb. Amongst the millions of religions out there, Christianity and the Gospel of Christ show the sovereignty of God and the utter helplessness of man to preserve himself. Come unto me all you are heavy laden and I'll give you rest.
This is the true message of Easter, we find rest in the finished works on the cross, able to live in the power of the gospel above the chaos and demands of sin.
Listen to this Easter Monday teaching by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam and we hope you are stirred to recognise the Power in the faith you believe.
The Spirit of God has been given and shed abroad to all men. The workings of the Spirit are no more for a select few but for all those who call upon His name and believe. Ministry gifts are a proof of the goodness of God. They are for the perfecting of the saints for the work of ministry and in doing so, the body of Christ will be edified.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam and be blessed as you do.
One thing the devil is after is the word of God in your heart. Many ideologies, idols, thoughts and imaginations thrive today because many have given in to experiences that changed their convictions on the truth of God’s word. However, we must learn to uphold the value of God’s word in our lives, ensuring our hearts are good soils for the word of God to thrive in every situation.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam and we pray that the eyes of your insert are enlightened as you do.
Many people have been brought up in the Faith to think praying is just about themselves. So the focus has been on self-focused desires and request. However, we must learn a new shift in prayers, the only focus that matters; the will of God. Weightier than our desires in prayers is the will of God. We see the perfect example in Jesus, even while praying for the cup to Pass over him, he still said “Yet not As I will, but as you will”.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson Iheagwam and let your heart be stirred in the right direction in prayer.
While we can clearly see in scriptures the character of God, story of Salvation and the deity of Jesus, there has sadly been various sects of religions that have undermined the supremacy of scripture while exalting the dictates and writings of their leaders which point away from the true meaning of scripture.
Jehovah’s witnesses is a fast growing sect who have questionable beliefs such as Jesus being an Archangel, that the second coming has happened and so on.
Listen to this teaching and learn biblical truth against the beliefs of Jehovah’s witnesses by Pastor Nelson and be equipped.
At Supernatural Class March, we were taught that the flesh and the spirit are possible places to invest in and one way to invest is to do that in prayer.
In prayer, we stir the influence of the Spirit. We determine how filled with the Spirit we will be.
Just like Jesus prayed, we must pray.
Listen to this stirring teaching by Pastor Nelson and let God’s word take roots in your heart, bearing much fruits.
Share this teaching with family and friends so they’ll be blessed as well.
At February’s edition of Selah, we are charged on the importance of prayer. As Christians praying is one of the most important things we can do and must do. We must learn to give ourselves to the things of God, in fellowship with the brethren, in praying, in Bible study and in the preaching of God’s word to the world. We have been commanded to do so by our Master, Jesus.
Listen to this stirring teaching by Pastor Nelson and let God’s word take roots in your heart, bearing much fruits.
The Bible is full of inspired words from God, pointing to the salvation story. From Genesis to Revelation, there is one message, Christ. We must learn to study scriptures in the right context and through the right lens. The scripture is able make us wise unto salvation, and this should be our experience while reading these Letters from God.
Listen to this teaching by Pastor Nelson expounding on God’s word, and may your understanding be flooded with light.
We continue in our Study on Romans, this time on Chapter 6.
This is one profound chapter where we learn further about the new reality we have as a result of the New Life we have in Christ and our liberation from Sin through Grace.
Listen to this sermon expounding on Romans Chapter 6 and be stirred up to live rightly, inside out.
Being in the Spirit for believers is not a mood that comes and goes away, it is a reality and the position we stand in forever as a result of the Holy Spirit in dwelling us by our believe in the sacrifice of Christ.
This teaching will stir you and open your heart to be conscious of the Spirit of God at work from within you, as a result of your union with Christ. Listen and be edified.
The Bible has one message. From the Old Testament, to the end of the New Testament we see one line drawn through which is salvation. The birth, death and resurrection of Christ is foretold in scripture before it became reality. The eternal plan of God to save His had been mapped out right from the beginning.
In this message, Pastor Nelson breaks down the message of salvation and the gospel.
Don’t forget to share with your family and friends
We have been called to be light of the world, salt of the earth, and to live our lives for God.
It is God’s desire that all men be saved, and this is possible by the preaching of the gospel. God’s plan at every place you find yourself is for you to be a minister of reconciliation, preaching the gospel and raising disciples.
Listen to this message and be stirred in your heart to go after God’s plan in your city.
Jesus doesn't have a problem with people who have weaknesses; He helps weaknesses but hates hypocrisy. It is hypocrisy when your mouth is close to God but your heart is far from him. Your worship then is vain. The goal of prayer is not to bend God to your will but to subscribe to his will. God receives a man before he receives of the man. Don't make the mistake of making the length of prayer the essence of prayer.
Listen to this message on the essence of devotion and be blessed. Don't forget to share with your loved ones
When the pool is stirred, jump in. We can determine how God’s power moves towards us during meetings. We must strike the iron as it’s hot. As we receive instructions, run with it. With every Instruction comes a grace for it.
Listen to this short charge to stir your hearts in the right direction.
Anything God did before he came as a man can't be the reason he came. The gospel that can't apply to every man is not the gospel of Jesus Christ, the message of Jesus must be the same everywhere and everyday.
He died for our sins, and rose for our justification. If you refute the resurrection of Jesus then there is no christianity.
Listen to this powerful message and be blessed. Do well to share with family and friends.
The prophetic shows us that God is interested the affairs of men. A God who gave his son is definitely interested in the affairs of men. God is as present in our suffering as much as he was present when things were right. He is not an absent father, he is the ever present help.
In this message, Pastor Nelson talks about Prophetic gifts and how they pertain to us as children of God.
We live in a world where the devil is real but more real is the power of God. This is why knowing who we are and the authority we have in Christ is important. The power of God is at work in us and we need to know how to exercise it. Feed on the word of God because the devil is after the word of God in your heart.
Listen to this teaching, and be stirred up to exercise your authority as a believer.
We must always learn about the prayer. It is not just mere words uttered, but an investment. When we pray, we partner with God. We must learn to build capacities and be rooted in the place of prayer.
In season and out of season, spend time in prayer. Give yourself to it, and your profiting will appear.
If you have had a downtime in your prayer life, listen to this charge on prayer, be stirred and pray.
How do miracles happen?
Is the hand of God active in the affairs of men?
What’s the believer’s work ethic to be?
Are hard work and favour opposites?
These and many more questions surrounding the believer and favour were answered in this teaching. We learn that before God wants to give us things, He wants to have us.
Listen to this teaching on Supernatural Favour by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
When you measure your life with the plan of God for you life, how aligned are you? Is your life counting for the course of God on earth? How much of ourselves we give to God is how much God can use us. If God is the all wise God then we are being wise by doing what he asks us, it is not foolishness. Consecration to God is for our good and not for his good.
Listen to this teaching on consecration by Pastor Nelson at the outburst conference and be blessed. Don't forget to share with family and friends.
How do miracles happen?
Is the hand of God active in the affairs of men?
What’s the believer’s work ethic to be?
Are hard work and favour opposites?
These and many more questions surrounding the believer and favour were answered in this teaching. We learn that before God wants to give us things, He wants to have us.
Listen to this teaching on Supernatural Favour by Pastor Nelson and be blessed.
Miracles always happen in the context of God's plan. In order for God's plan to be done, anything can be made to happen; If he has spoken it, every resource will align to fulfil his plan.
Miracles aren’t always about you it is about the plan of God. These and many more was properly taught in this sermon. Listen and be blessed. Make sure you share with your loved ones.
Sometimes we wonder where God is in our pain or when we're in trouble, and it seems like he is not there. The truth is sometimes God might not necessarily 'save' us from those troubles but he is with us through them and when they are over, we realise we don't look like what we've been through. Faith in Jesus is not "exempted from troubles" but "inspite of troubles". When we begin to focus more on God's plans we realise that his plans are bigger than our prayer points.
Listen to this teaching and be stirred on how to be more God-centered. Kindly share with family and friends also.
Ever struggled with questions about the Bible and if it is really true? This teaching will answer some of those questions. While many have disregarded learning or teaching bout the authenticity of the Bible and it’s inspiration. To be able to contend for the faith, we must be taught God word properly. Listen and learn about the One true message of the Bible and how it was inspired by God to men.
Ever struggled with questions about the Bible and if it is really true? This teaching will answer some of those questions. While many have disregarded learning or teaching bout the authenticity of the Bible and it’s inspiration. To be able to contend for the faith, we must be taught God word properly. Listen and learn about the One true message of the Bible and how it was inspired by God to men.
To grow in our Christian walk, we must learn to receive God’s word. Not just to know it and be passive about it, but be proactive with it. Receiving the gospel and getting saved births supernatural results one of which is consecration. The heart that was once made of stone now transformed and no longer in rebellion to God and His Word. We don’t just stop at believing the message, we just live out this message we have so gladly believed. Our opinions and standards must conform t the standards of God. This and more is the consecrated life we are empowered to live by the Spirit of God. Listen to this teaching and be edified.
God is able and willing to lead us. We can know the exacts of our life, what to do, where to go, with whom to do and so on. This teaching will help you understand better the leadings of God, pay attention to the nudges and obeying to the very end the instructions of God. I pray that as you listen, there is clarity, and a stirring to be attentive and obedient to the leadings of the Spirit.
I’m giving heed to divine instructions, we show faith. We must learn to move from just meeting attendees to cultivating and maximizing the impartations we have received. By prayer and study we get clarity and are stirred up to do the possibilities by the Spirit. It doesn’t just end at receiving instructions or laying on of hands, we must do also. I pray that as you listen to this teaching, you are reminded of those instructions and assignments God has given you, and you are stirred to act on them as led.
We must learn to build a stalwart christian life and not be mediocre in our spiritual growth. To understand what God's word is saying, and to live accordingly. Giving ourselves to fellowship with God through steadfast prayers and in the study of scriptures. To have a future in your life or ministry, it must be built on the foundation of God's word. Listen to this teaching and be stirred up to be a devoted believer, that is able to stand firm, take root and grow.
The message of Gospel is that God in his infinite mercy and love for us sent Jesus to die for our sins. The death, burial and resurrection of Christ is the crux of our faith. For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.
This is the message of life. Reconciliation with God, and eternal life with joy forever. Listen to the message on the gospel and be blessed.
What is worth losing when it comes to living life as a believer? The Bible tells us not to gather for ourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust will corrupt it, but lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven that cannot be destroyed. We have been called to live the life Christ has given us, and it means letting go of worldly treasures and holding on to the kingdom of God which is precious and priceless. Let this teaching stir in you, passion to always count the cost.
Romans is such a wholesome book in the Bible. The best part of it is that it is written to us the Church. We learn about that humans are estranged from God to the gospel that is power of God for salvation. We learn that despite human rebellion, God has provided salvation through Jesus Christ and that for us who believe, we identify with the deaths and resurrection of Jesus and are called to live a new life in Jesus. Listen to this expository message on the first few chapters of Romans and be enlightened.
The Christian life is one devoted and sold out to the cause of the One who saved us.
We don’t just live Him, we live Him with the whole of our heart.
As you listen be blessed and do share with friends and family.
Lethargy means to a lack of energy, excitement or enthusiasm. Many times, our devotion life becomes more of a routine, and we get less motivated to fellowship with God or with God's people. It is easy to slip into spiritual lethargy, but it is possible to jerk back into fervency. This teaching will stir up in you, the right desires and motivations to be fervent. Listen and be edified.
Ever wondered where all the energy and excitement went a month after a special meeting?
Ever wondered how to maintain what was received during these meetings?
Why were hands laid? What happened to me while they were being laid?
Why did I fall?
All these were answered in this teaching and more.
Share with family and friends
This was a discussion Pastor Nelson and Daniel Bentley had at Supernatural Feast's morning session.
It was on prayer, God's will and the spirit's influence.
Be stirred as you listen and please share with friends and family.
We love you.
This sermon was taught at the Supernatural Session of Supernatural Feast Abuja.
This sermon will put you in the best place to maximize any meeting you attend.
Listen, be blessed and share with friends and family.
This teaching focuses on the tone, tempo and posture in praying taking a cue from Elijah as explained by James
Share with family, friends and loved ones.
This teaching will bless you.
Follow the Spirit and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
One truth about our lives as believers is that we have been called unto a higher calling and now we are regulated by God's Spirit in us.
In our relationship with people, love sponsors our actions. We were loved first, and now we love wholeheartedly as we are loved by God.
God's word makes us wise, listen to this teaching, and be made wiser in your love-walk
To live from within is to first understand that the Holy Spirit lives within you. We are empowered by God's Spirit to live according to the dictates of scripture. We are led by stirrings, nudges, and desires from within.
In our worship, in doing the Supernatural, and in our walk with God, we do all by the Spirit within. Listen and be edified.
This teaching focuses on having an intentional devotion on a schedule, consistently.
Share with family, friends and loved ones.
This teaching will bless you.
In this sermon, we speak 5 reasons why we should spend time in prayer?
This will bless you in a big way.
Share with friends, family and loved ones.
This message had Pastor Nelson expound on the prophet, prophetic words and a few characteristics of the prophetic.
This will bless you in no small way. Listen and share with friends and family.
Giving thanks is what we owe Him knowing who He is and also considering what He’s done.
Beyond getting from Him and way beyond our anxiety, join us as we learn to trust God in the storm while setting our affection using thanksgiving.
Listen to this, share with friends and be blessed.
Does God teach with sickness?
Is God a healer?
What about Paul’s thorn in the flesh?
Where does sickness come from biblically?
Can we trust God for healing?
What’s the believers conduct in suffering?
These and more did we answer in this teaching.
Listen, share with friends and family and be blessed.
Supernatural Class Lekki was that meeting that had us run a scanty commentary of 1 Corinthians 12-14 with an emphasis on the acts and heart posture towards the things of the spirit.
You want to listen to this sermon and share it with friends and family.
We love you dearly.
Much has been said about money, with a lot of undue emphasis and some other things not reasonably taught and as such it is important as Christians that we are taught right and our stance on Money and resources stems from God’s word.
In this sermon, we look into God's word and learn about money God's way- conduct towards it and God’s hand in provision.
Share this sermon with friends and family. You’ll be so blessed.
This meeting had us cover a scanty commentary on parts of 1 Corinthians 12 and 14.
Why speak in tongues?
Why the Supernatural?
Where’s the place of God’s glorification in all this?
Why write your own Supernatural story?
Get all these and be stirred to do more.
Share this with family and friends.
There is a science to the flow of God's power in our lives as believers. We have an active role in how the things of the Spirit are maximized in and through us. God partners with us for these things. We must thus learn to be devoted, in the word and in prayers, honour God and the people God has placed in our lives to bless us and be obedient to instructions given. All of these and more create a Spiritually charged and conducive environment for the move of God in and through us. Listen to this teaching from Leeway and be blessed.
To wrap off our series on Biblical Interpretation, we will be focusing on Words and their original meaning in scriptures. Following this series, you'd have learnt that we don't find the meaning of Biblical words in the dictionary. Listen and learn more about the Bible.
God has designed a way to know him, and this is seen throughout the scriptures. It is this very important that we understand historical contexts and applications. Applying proper context to the scripture brings understanding and the revelation of truth. Listen and learn on the relevance of Context in Biblical Interpretation.
The bible in its basest form is a book. The same way you read regular books to understand, you have to read the bible to understand.
Continuing our series on the Law of First Mention, we learn what righteousness means. From the first mention of the word in the scriptures, we see It is a byproduct of believing in a message that God has already spoken. Listen and learn the true meaning of righteousness.
Continuing our series on Laws of Biblical Interpretation, a very important note is the Law of First Mention.
To know what the meaning of biblical words are, we don't look at dictionaries. The way a word is initially used is the way a word is continually used through the Bible. Listen to this teaching, and learn the biblical meaning of Holy.
The laws of Bible Interpretation is important in other to avoid wrong doctrines and misunderstanding. Truth exits in a context and this applies to the Bible. To get the true meaning of what the writer is passing across, we must take note of the pretext, and post-text to get the context of the message. Listen to this teaching and learn better about applying the right context in Bible interpretation
Tomiwa Immanuel said “Christianity is not a free thinking club”. When it comes to studying our faith and God's word, we cannot just come up with whatever conclusions we form. There are guidelines or principles that must be applied when studying scriptures. Listen to this teaching and learn on the laws of Bible Interpretation
One thing we must know as Christians is that the devil is after God's word in our hearts. The flesh tries to spur desires that leads to sin, but we must learn to out God's word about these appetites, and stand firm in it. Once the believer is taught God's word, he will understand all that God has done for him and be able to stand firm against the vices if the devil. Listen and Learn more about God's word as your anchor.
Every day, we process so much information that can bring confusion to our minds, however, the Word if God provides stability, as it is the final authority over our lives as Christians. We've been bought with a price, our life is not ours anymore, and so is our opinion on the world. The Bible's opinion on things must be our opinion on things. Listen and be blessed.
In a world with thousands of differing opinions and ideologies, it is so easy to be swayed to and fro, and be caught in unbeneficial waves of doctrine. This is why the truth of God's word must take root in our hearts, and the word becoming our anchor, providing assurance and stability in the world. Listen to the message to learn more about God's word and you.
God is interested in the details of our lives and he is more than willing to lead you in the right path. Supernatural leading is ours, that we may the right way to go, decisions to make even until the minute details. God's leading guides our desires, and we must be willing and obedient to follow through. Listen and be blessed.
What does to worship in Spirit and in Truth entail? In the Old Testament, we see Worship as reverence that has a corresponding action. In John 4, we see Jesus bring a whole new perspective to Worship. Listen to this teaching to learn true worship.
If the will of God is going to be done on the earth, men must partner with God. Prayer and the supernatural flow together. In prayers, we can partner with God to turn situations around, to see miracles happen. It's a synergy. When we pray, God's power can be directed to a particular focus.
Listen and learn more
The right context for the miraculous is consecration. There's a greater purpose for miracles. For the Glory of God to be displayed, and to preserve God's plan.
With the splitting of the red sea, Elijah being fed by ravens; we see how these miracles preserved God's salvation plan and served a greater purpose than just miracles.
Listen to this message and learn more about the proper context for the supernatural.
All authority in heaven and on Earth have been given to Christ. In this authority He sends us out to trample upon serpents and scorpions. In Christ, we Triumph over circumstances, and we must walk in this victory as believers. All that Jesus has attained is ours. Listen and get stirred to walk in eternal victory.
As believers, the life we live is naturally supernatural, we can work miracles, cast out devils by God’s spirit at work in us. We should always expect the miraculous and be ready to meet needs by the power of God. Listen to this message to know why the why of miracles and how to receive from a ministry gift.
When Jesus ascended, He gave us power and authority, to do supernatural things, work miracles, cast out devils all by the Spirit at work in us. We must learn to exercise this gift that we have in us. Listen to this message and stir up the power gifts. Listen to this message and be edified.
The Christian Life is a taught faith. We must be ready to learn, abandon wrong notions and relearn. This teaching is just what you need to rejuvenate your call to service in Christ. The Christian walk is a call to service and denial. Living for the greater good. Listen and be edified.
The life we have in the Spirit is supernatural. In the Gift of the Spirit, we have received the gifts which has been given to us for the profiting and edification of all. We must work the things of the Spirit, for others to know that the things of the Spirit can be worked. This message describes the believer and all the believer can do by the Spirit.
Utterance gifts are a means of edification for the body of Christ, and for ourselves. Speaking in tongues, Interpretation of tongues and Prophecy are all for us the believer. All this made easy by the Spirit in us. This message is a sequel to “A Defense For Tongues”. Listen to this message and learn edification.
Scriptures have a message that has been intended to be passed across by the authors. We must know the intended meaning and maintain it accurately. While many run away from Biblical Interpretation, it is very important to protect you from the ranges of error. Listen and learn more about the Bible.
There are common barriers to Bible understanding which are explained in this teaching as well as a stance we must have to truth and God’s word. When the proper interpretation of a verse is lost, a great treasure is lost.
Listen to this teaching and be blessed. Share with your family and friends.
It is very important to hold God’s word above experiences. This is done by knowing the message the verses are relaying. Therefore, proper interpretation is essential so that we can always hold on to God’s word rightly and grow on the right manner. Listen to this and learn how to interpret scriptures the right way.
The gifts of the Spirit are for our profiting as a body. It isn’t the exclusive preserve of some. Every believer can operate in these gifts and experience these manifestations. The Revelatory gifts are not out of the reach of the everyday believer; it’s use, motives and how they manifest can be taught.
All authority in heaven and on Earth have been given to Christ. In this authority He sends us out to trample upon serpents and scorpions. In Christ, we Triumph over circumstances, and we must walk in this victory as believers. All that Jesus has attained is ours. Listen and get stirred to walk in eternal victory.
There are many evil occurrences in the Earth and many have questioned the source of them. Out of misinformation, many have pointed to God as the author of these evil things. However, we must know that God is good and does no wrong. Listen and learn about why evil happens in this world.
Our understanding of God’s nature helps us live better as Children of God. This is why having the accurate knowledge of the character of God is important for the believer. Jesus helps bring clarity on the goodness of God. We express the righteous nature of God in Christ. Listen and learn how to respond to evil.
The true nature of God is revealed in Christ. Our Christian experience is directly affected by how much or how accurate our knowledge of who God is and His will is. Thus, it is important to know God is Good and He is Father. To know God is to know ourselves better. Listen and be blessed.
A pointer in growing relationships is growing in the knowledge of the other party in the relationship. As Christians, we are now in fellowship with God, and it is essential that our knowledge of who He is is accurate, as it will aid in our worship of him. Listen to this track and learn about the nature of God.
God’s word is effective and authoritative in every single aspect of the life of the believer. Everything about our lives finds essence and direction in Christ. We live life inside out. We owe our life to Christ because we have been bought with a price. Listen to this track and be blessed.
Spiritual Growth includes maturing in the knowledge of God and in Salvation. This is why sound doctrine is pertinent to growth. learning the accurate word of God helps you grow in precise knowledge of who you are in Christ. That way, your relationship with God blossoms the right way. Listen and be blessed.
Spiritual Growth involves continuously putting Jesus in a better perspective for the believer. It is consistent devotion to the things of God such as Bible Study, and we must delight in it. It thrives on the shoulders of intentionality. Listen to this track to learn more bout growing in grace.
As Christians, our lives are purposeful, doing the work of ministry. The Spirit Of God equips us with the ability to do this work. Just like the Apostles of the early church were empowered to do, we also are empowered by God’s Spirit. Listen to this track to learn about the ability you have received.
The foundation of the Life we have received as Christians is based on the redemptive Sacrifice of Christ. He chose to lay down His life for the greater good of all, and we must be ready to do the same in order to grow. Listen to this track and learn the meaning of true Sacrifice and Spiritual Growth.
Conforming to God’s word is what spiritual growth entails. We must keep at growth so as not to walk in the flesh. Spiritual growth only thrives in continuity. Therefore we must be given to prayer, study and the teaching of God’s word repeatedly. Listen to this message to learn what Spiritual Growth is.
Let the Words of Christ dwell richly in you. This is a very profound instruction to every believer. We must learn to live by the Word. Our very words, thoughts and lives inspired by the Living Word Of God which is true and powerful. Listen to this audio message and learn how to stay on God’s word.
We are instructed in the scriptures to be ready to meekly make a defense for our faith, and answer questions. Questions about the authenticity and tangibility of speaking in Tongues have been asked regularly by many people. This message makes a defense for speaking in tongues. Do listen and learn.
We are saved based not on our capacity but on the faithful and unfailing capacity of God. The redemptive sacrifice of Christ is of eternal value to us. Therefore, to understand what it implies to us as believers, we must look through the eternal lens and see ourselves how God sees us. Listen and learn.
Jesus served while on earth and instructed us to serve our brethren. We must understand that in proclaiming a new birth out of love, we must show that same love in our service to people. We have the duty to carry on that service by telling others about Christ. Listen to this and learn more.
The apex of the plan of God on earth is for His glory. Thus, our devotion to him must be that He gets the glory in our life. So even while spending time to pray, we focus on God’s glory. God is most glorified when we are satisfied in Him, and this is what Devotion is about. Listen to this to learn more about devotion.
We have been brought into fellowship with God as a result of our belief in the sacrifice of Jesus. A life of devotion to our Creator is what we have been called to live. The Christian life is a life that is devoted to a particular cause. Listen to this and learn how irrespective of circumstances, our devotion remains steadfast.
Why keep wallowing in powerlessness? You see, only you can take up the responsibility to pray, to get your heart set on God. We have been instructed several times to continue in prayer. Prayers births more praying. Listen to this track and get spurred to turn your devotion on the right track.
We exhibit the character of God as Children of God. All we do must be consistent with God’s word. The greatest display of generosity and Love is seen in the sacrifice of Jesus. Now we have been called out to love others just as we are loved. Listen with an open heart, and get ready to love all.
To whom much is given, much is expected. Redemption and forgiveness are too mutually inclusive concepts, established by the perfect sacrifice of Christ on Calvary.
It is God’s nature to forgive sins, so also, forgiveness is our nature. Listen to this message and learn about forgiveness
The Lordship of Christ has implications for both the identity and actions of the believer. Is Jesus truly Lord? How does His Lordship affect us? These are vital questions that need to be answered and so with clarity. Join us in this teaching as we answer these questions.
In salvation we are sons, but in ministry we are servants, faithfully and fervently serving the Lord. As faithful fervent believers, we delight in our God given duty of service. Listen to this Track and learn more about Christian servant-hood.
The realities of God in the heart of a believer can be made vital i.e the truths that are real in the believers spirit aren’t just known but can be seen. This teaching continues from part 1 from the reality of Zeal as delight and the working of the spirit and now emphasizes on it as duty
“He that speaketh in an unknown tongues, edifieth himself”. Praying in tongues is a way to stir up the influence of the spirit within.
This track is designed to stir you to pray, help you pray and have a fulfilling prayer time. Enjoy.
Miracles are a predictable outcome of particular steps i.e there is a science to miracles. Miracles aren’t just haphazard events, they’re results of carefully taken steps. Join us in this teaching as we see how to receive from the spirit.
There is the spirit within and there is the spirit upon. Both are used for various descriptive functions through the bible as we see in careful study. The line between the spirit within and the spirit upon is prayer. Please listen as this message explains this clearly.
The ability and wealth of the spirit is resident within the believer as God has put the spirit within the believer, making the believer a statement to the world.
This charge will stir you to prayer hereby causing you to maximise God on your inside.
Jesus prayed and the fashion of his countenance was altered. In the same manner, the believer prays and he is edified or changes for the better. Listen in and get stirred yet more in prayer even as we investigate what prayer can do in the believer.
In the Yoruba tongue, “itárá” is translated as Zeal but loosely it transliterates as being “peppered”/spurred towards a cause. The believer is actually being “peppered” towards the cause of the Lord by the indwelling spirit. Listen to this teaching as we discuss fervor and zeal of the believer
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