On this episode of Neon Galactic, Dr. Jim Madden joins us to talk about his new book, “Unidentified Flying Hyperobject: UFOs, Philosophy, and the End of the World.” Madden, a Benedictine College philosophy professor, asks us to consider UFOs as “hyperobjects” spread out in a way that transcends our ordinary senses, as well as our rather limiting notions of space and time. He asserts that we only ever encounter these objects from within what he labels “Umwelt,” or world perspective, which is necessarily limiting. The reality of flying saucers, tic tacs, and illuminated spheres, meanwhile, may be a kind of encounter, communication or psychic manipulation from a wider realm of reality, what he calls the Uber Umwelt. By combining these notions and using them to approach and expand upon the work of Jacques Vallee, Diana Pasulka, Jeffrey Kripal and many others, Madden presents us with a conceptual system that can better help us all understand and deal with the confirmed presence of UFOs. We also discuss the potential benefits and dangers of technology, including AI, and how its rise and fall might be a necessary initiation into a new understanding of human powerlessness. With self-deprecating charm and intelligence, Madden in this conversation covers many of the salient points in his book while highlighting the need for flexibility in our thinking. To read my review of Madden’s book: https://medium.com/@jfaulk/the-next-major-work-in-ufology-e557c47431de And to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Madden/author/B0CNQMHCF4?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true Dr. Jim Madden is also a research consultant for Ontocalypse Productions. These are folks to watch. Music Credits: Music: Cinematic Logo 04 by TaigaSoundProd Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/8221-cinematic-logo-04 Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Music: Technology Calm Logo 01 by TaigaSoundProd Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6660-technology-calm-logo-01 Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license --- Neon Galactic is a production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV in Eureka, CA. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe. Public television can always use your support. On X: @jfrickingfaulk @jdmadden3