Neon Galactic with James Faulk
In this episode of Neon Galactic, co-host Dr. Chris Avis and I interview Dr. Pamela Kryskow and Graham Walker from Roots To Thrive, an innovative Canadian therapy program that deploys visionary psychedelic medicine to address a range of ailments. According to its website, Roots To Thrive describes itself as a living curriculum that is designed to reconnect humanity to its true nature, to each other, and to all that is. “From this secure and embodied place, we remember who we are, the abundance of resources around us, and our innate capacity for healing,” it reads. The organization was founded in 2019, and is Canada’s first and only multidisciplinary, non-profit health care practice to legally offer evidence-informed, multi-week, group therapy programs that use a community of practice model, uniquely designed to address trauma and to promote resilience, and to also include the option of psilocybin-assisted and ketamine-assisted individual and group therapy. In this conversation, we discuss the transformative power of psychedelic treatments and how the organization unites those experiences with an enlivened sense of community and ritual to heal people. Such visionary experiences and related group work helps participants transcend the limits and isolation of most modern lifestyles and find a deeper sense of meaning and connectedness. People often reset themselves and become more open to the possibilities of spirit and community. Dr. Christopher Avis is a physics instructor and climatologist from Camosun College in British Columbia, who had his worldview transformed after taking ketamine as part of a treatment program for depression at Roots To Thrive. Pamela Kryskow is a medical doctor with an extensive CV surrounding psychedelic research and treatment. She is the medical lead for the Roots To Thrive program, and founding board member of the Psychedelic Association of Canada and the medical chair of the Vancouver Island University Post Graduate Certificate in Psychedelic Medicine assisted Therapy. Graham Walker is a clinical counselor and the Roots To Thrive alumni facilitator. To learn more, visit, or ———————- Music Credits: Music: Cinematic Logo 04 by TaigaSoundProd Free download: Licensed under CC BY 4.0: Music: Technology Calm Logo 01 by TaigaSoundProd Free download: Licensed under CC BY 4.0: --- Neon Galactic is a production of PBS affiliate KEET-TV in Eureka, CA. Please don’t forget to like and subscribe. Public television can always use your support. On X: @jfrickingfaulk #neongalactic #psychedelicscience #ketamine #UAP #space #aliens #magic #occult #trauma #ufo #consciousness #phenomenon #ghosts #afterlife #psilocybin #entheogen