Anjan Sundaram is an award-winning journalist who has written three books on African people and places: Democratic Republic of Congo in Stringer, Rwanda in Bad News and now Central African Republic in Breakup. Each of Anjan’s books are glorious for their storytelling, told in great detail through years professional engagement with violence, war and genocide from the perspective of those living through it.
I’m delighted to have Anjan with me today to talk about his forthcoming book: Break Up: A Marriage in Wartime (Catapult 2023). I read the book in a single sitting, for the prose is unflinching in its human rights reporting of the ongoing civil war in the Central African Republic. It is also about the demise of a marriage, meaning Break Up documents the ways in which war and marriage tear people apart.
At the end of our interview, Anjan recommends A House Without Windows, a graphic novel by Didier Kassaï (Simon & Schuster 2021).
Susan Thomson is Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at Colgate University. I like to interview pretenure scholars about their research. I am particularly keen on their method and methodology, as well as the process of producing academic knowledge about African places and people.
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