100 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Veckovis: Söndag
Find here all the podcasts from New Life Church Alvik, Stockholm. A church for all people and all nations, impacting our world with the Hope found in Jesus
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Pass it on... to God
Eugen Betts
Pass it on Gods Love
Rui de Sousa
Tröst / Comfort
Hasse Persson
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Jae Sung Kim: We pass things on all the time.There are things we are not to pass on and there are new things that we ought to pass on. What are these things and how do we pass them on as believers ? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: The bible encourages that all things work for our good. What exactly does this mean? Is it a principle, or is it a promise? And if it is a promise, how come life doesn’t always turn out well every time? Listen and be blessed.
Charlotta Aginger : It's a new year!! Many are overwhelmed with the thought of how to live their life this 2025 in the will of God ? This teaching will be a great help to you. Listen and be blessed
Hasse Persson: To share what we have been given is dependent on understanding what we have been given and who gave it to us to pass on. What have we been given as believers to pass on and who gave us this "Pass It On" mission ? Listen and be blessed.
Ike Ohajekwe: If there is a season for the church to pray, it is now. We, believers, are in the right & opportune season to boldly pray "Let your Kingdom come" and then see even great manifestation of answered prayers. Who & What is the Spirit of prayer and how does this understanding guide us to pray effectively ? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: Brokenness could be due to a variety of things such as loss, disappointment, pain, failure. Brokenes often precedes a deeper relationship with God.. Whenever we experience a deep sense of inadequacy and realise our own limitation, it's an invitation to experience God’s closeness.Feeling broken and crushed in life ? Listen be blessed.
Jae Sun Kim: Living for yourself and the yoke of Jesus is a bad fit. If you want status, and power in the world, people to praise you and live for pleasure, then don’t follow Jesus. It’s burdensome and it will get in the way. What does it mean to take the rest of Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30). Listen and be blessed.
Hasse Persson: Everyone has received a gift from God. A gift we are to use in serving each other within our own church community first, then our neighbours and people in our everyday lives. Why & How should you serve people with your God given gift ? Listen and be bless.
Rui de Sousa : Revival often begins in the solitude of personal prayer but is multiplied in the unity of collective prayer. If we’re truly seeking revival, we need to prioritise both forms of prayer. How do i cultivate a regular personal prayer that stirs the heart and lays the groundwork for corporate change and transformation ? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: Brokenness in the bible isn’t failure but an invitation to experience God’s closeness and develop a closer loving relationship with Him. That's why Psalm 34:18 offers us this comforting reminder:“The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit”. What does it mean to be broken-hearted before God ? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: The Third Sunday of Advent is often called "Gaudete Sunday" from the Latin word meaning "To Rejoice ". What does biblical Joy mean and what's the significance of rejoicing in the soon coming King Jesus. Listen and be encouraged.
Jenny Wahlström : Are you dealing with tough issues, experiencing a life crisis or just the pressure of every day life and it feels God is so far away or silent. Then this message is definitely for you because God sees you, hears you and will help you. He is NEVER too late. Listen and be encouraged .
Rui de Sousa: Advent is a powerful time of reflection, expectation and
preparation. It offers a beautiful opportunity to remind us all of the HOPE that continues to illuminate and dispel the darkness in and around our life even to this very day. What is this HOPE and how does it dispel the darkness ? . Listen and be blessed.
Jae Sung Kim : Throughout history, Christians have always gathered to share in the Lord's supper. It is the most formative and meaningful meal that we eat as Christians. What is the significance of this " Lord's Supper" and how do we apply this understanding into our every day life as Christians? . Listen and be blessed.
Jim Reimer: Pride is the key to falling into sinfulness of every vice known. An entrance door way into the other 6 deadly sins of the scripture. It primarily aims to take God off his throne and places us, self, on that throne. What is really pride and how is it the biggest battle we have to fight. Listen and be blessed .
Hasse Persson: Why do we think we can do best by ourselves without God when the guaranteed result is confusion and shame ? What does it mean to humble oneself and seek God's face? Why do we turn away from God and how can we turn back to Him ? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa : We all at some point, ask ourselves deep questions such as
" What’s the purpose of my life? ", "Why am I here? ", " Does God really
exist ", and if He does, " Does He care about Me? ". If you are you asking these questions , this sermon is for you. Listen and be blessed.
Ike Ohajekwe : Disciples of Jesus Christ have in some way become Kings, Prophets and Priests of God in the area of influence they have been called by God to function ( Revelation 1: 5-6). So how do we are as christians practically function and manifest this attribute in our daily life ? Listen and be blessed.
Jae Sung Kim: Why does Christians believe that Jesus Christ is their High priest ? What does it mean that Jesus Christ fulfilled the role of " The High Priest " and what's the significance for us as individuals and as a community, to be priests in the world. Listen and be blessed
Hasse Persson: For Moses himself said to the Israelites "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything He tells you ( Acts 3:22)" . So what characterises Jesus as THE prophet Moses spoke of, and what does this mean for you as a christian ? Listen and be blessed .
Rui de Sousa: When we accept Jesus as King, we are affirming several important things about His identity, His authority, and His relationship to us and to the world. Jesus the "King of Kings" is not just a title but a practical, transformative reality that not only shapes how we understand who He is, but also how we are to live daily as His followers. Listen and be blessed
Hasse Persson: Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) does not mean that "Christ" is the surname of Jesus but more like a title. So what does it really mean that Jesus is the Christ ? This teaching is an introduction into a series of preachings on Jesus as The prophet, The Priest and The King. Listen and be blessed.
Ike Ohajekwe: We are called to live by faith. Biblical faith does not submit to limitations against God's promises but challenges those limitations constantly. Don't break your expectations to fit your limitations. How ? Listen and be blessed
Rui de Sousa : No matter how hopeless a situation may seem, God has the power to breathe new life into it !! Do you feel you are stuck in a valley of hopelessness ? Then this message is for you !! Listen and be encouraged.
Rui de Sousa : It's time to stop your pity party !! Stop complaining about what you don’t have and use what you got working for you. God does not need anything that you don’t have to perform the next miracle in your life. How ? Listen and be empowered.
Jae Sung Kim: As Christians, we can’t simply brush off the teachings and commandments of Jesus. Because He, Jesus , challenges us to live out a higher life, a radical reality than the world that we see by demonstrating radical acts of grace which he Himself first offered us. What is this grace? , listen and be empowered.
Ike Ohajekwe: Every Christian believer is called into the ministry of Prayer! Prayer is key to our spiritual growth & maturity in Christ which connects to our divine purpose & calling( both personal and corporate ). Therefor we have a calling in Christ to be ministers of prayer. What does that mean ? Listen and be blessed.
Hasse Persson: A people purified and cleansed and set aside for His divine purpose like pure gold is God's ultimate desire for His Church. How does God out work this desire in His church? Listen and be blessed
Hasse Persson: God chooses people through whom he can show his grace and goodness. God chooses weak people who depend on God and give him glory. Have you asked yourself recently "Why has God chosen me to be His witness to the world around me ?" This sermon helps answer this question. Listen and be blessed
Hasse Persson : The biblical prophesies with regards to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ and the closing of the ages know as " End-Times" can create a feeling of dread, anxiety or deep discomfort in the hearts of believers. This is wrong thinking. Listen and learn what God's salvation in Christ means for you.
Rui de Sousa: To live in Unity !! There are many differences in the body of Christ. Race, language, upbringing, culture, denominational differences etc. We as christians must recognise that it is only by the grace of God that we have this spirit of unity. And to maintain that unity, we must do our part . What is your part? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: It is important as you define your identity, that God not be just an aspect of who you are, like “I am a Christian,” or ”I am religious,” or “I am spiritual”. Understanding your identity in God starts with understanding who He is, what He says about Himself, and what He says about you. Listen and be blessed.
Fredrik Widell: Our own thoughts about ourselves have a great influence on our behaviour, attitude and on our world view because what we listen to builds & shapes our belief system. As believers, how does our identity in Christ shape our belief system ? Listen and be blessed
Ike Ohajekwe: Jesus says when we notice these multitudes, feeling weary and scattered, it’s harvest time . How do we prepare for the greatest harvest of souls God is about to bring into His Kingdom in our generation ?. Listen and be activated
Jae Sung Kim: Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. He invites us to trust that he has done something we were absolutely powerless to do. What has Jesus done for us as Lord of the Sabbath and how do we manifest this in our every day life? listen and be blessed.
Sandra Palm: The Hebrew word , “KADOSH” translates to “holy,” meaning “to be set apart” or distinct from the rest. What does this mean and how is it connected to the biblical message of sabbath. Listen and be blessed
Jae Sung Kim: How we relate to God, His Creation, to each other and even how we relate our own selves is significantly affected by our understanding of the Sabbath. What Does God's Sabbath really mean? Listen and be blessed.
Hasse Persson: The three (3) great mysteries science cannot explain. (a) The cause of the universe – No scientific theory describes the cause; (b)The beginning of life – the incredible complexity of the first cell; (c) What is human consciousness - what separates us from animals. Listen & find out why !!
Fredrik Widell: Is God worthy of all your adoration, love, time, attention, respect, reverence ? Is there pride in our hearts ? How do we prepare our hearts to have fellowship with God who desire to connect with us ? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: Do you really want to change? Not do you want it to change but Do you want " YOU" to change? This message is for "YOU" who desperately needs a breakthrough in your life. Listen and be blessed
Rui de Sousa: There are three (3) experiences or steps in our journey as a Christians, but everything starts with me being saved. What then are these 3 steps, and what does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit ? Listen and be blessed.
Ike Ohajekwe: The orphan spirit mindset is a terrible mindset to live with. It's one of the hardest thing to get rid of ,even after we become believers. A plague in our generation!! What is this orphan spirit and how do we break it so we can live free as children of the most high God ? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: Through Jesus work on the cross, we were redeemed from slavery of satan through the miracle of salvation. God’s will it is not just to set us free from slavery but to bring us to His best . How ? Listen and be blessed.
Hasse Persson: What does it mean to be a child of a God ? How can i live & function in the reality of knowing that God is truly my father ? Listen and be blessed .
Bill Ankerberg: What does the bible teach us to do daily especially within our families, so we can live a life that honors God. Listen and be blessed !!
Jae Sung Kim:The consequences of an injured soul may not be as obvious as say a broken bone, but can be far more devastating and debilitating to life than physical injury. Is there hope for a broken soul ? Listen and be blessed
Rui de Sousa: What does it mean that God is your father? Is he like your earthly father? Understanding why the perfect God is your father will definitely transform your life & relationships for good Listen and be blessed.
Hasse Persson: What does it mean that Jesus was crucified ? What does it mean that he died, was buried and then rose from the dead on the third day? Here is a divine truth..Jesus Christ is risen indeed. Hallelujah. Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: What's your worth ? How can you estimate "that" worth. Understanding this message will strengthten your believe in what God has done for you in Christ Jesus. This is the concluding sermon on our 6-part series on the Kingdom of God.
Paul Johnson: Our lives before God is to create environments and relationships that flourish, which reflects the kingdom of God. What does it mean to flourish before God and how are we to do this ? Listen and be blessed.
Ike Ohajekwe: Do you desire to understand the message of the kingdom of God that Jesus spoke so much about ? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: How should our daily living reflect and display that we actually live in God’s kingdom and we are the ambassadors of the message of the kingdom ? Listen and be blessed.
Hasse Persson: God's Kingdom is a kingdom is for everyone BUT there is a way to enter it. What way is that and how can one enter into this kingdom which will never fail or end? Listen and be blessed.
Daniel Persson: Every kingdom has a king. So who is the true king of this kingdom of heaven, and what legally gives him the authority & power to be the Lord king of this kingdom. Listen and be empowered.
Jae Sung Kim: What is the nature of the kingdom of God, and the significant role of humanity in this Kingdom ? Listen and be blessed.
Charlotta Aginger: How & when do we discern God's leading in my life ? God's will and desire is to lead us into victory in every area of our life. How ? Listen and be blessed.
Ike Ohajekwe: Do you feel stuck in your life ? Do you struggle with knowing how to take your next step in God's calling for your life? This message is for you. Listen and rise to shine.
Rui de Sousa: Why is it important to pray and What are the amazing benefits of praying. What are the consequence of having a prayer-less lifestyle ? Listen and be blessed.
Jae Sung Kim: What shall we do when we realise we fail to be God’s solution to the darkness of the world but instead become a part of the problem? How do we solve this ? Listen and be inspired.
Hasse Persson: There is no legalistic law in the bible that we must fast but we read a lot about fasting in the old and new testament. There is a value in fasting, and prayer plays a big role in this. How ? Listen and blessed.
Rui de Sousa: Why do we fast ? When should fast and how should we go about it? What's God's perspective on fasting ? This sermon is a great encouragement for you who desires to engage the biblical discipline of fasting.
Hasse Persson: The Prince of peace, Jesus Christ was born into this world to usher in peace. Even now as our world is filled up with so much turmoil, unrest and instability, He will soon return to establish everlasting peace on the earth. How? Listen and be blessed
David Persson:That God calls us into a personal loving fellowship with Him through Jesus Christ and with other believers is what makes the christian God distinct, unique. Why is this important ? Listen & be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: God's amazing grace always embraces us. It give us a chance to repent and turn to God through Jesus Christ, leading to our restoration. Are you weighed down with much guilt & condemnation? This message of grace is for you.
Ike Ohajekwe: What word has God previously spoken to you before the "vipers" of life hit you ? How do you shake these off ? The voice you believe will determine the future you experience . Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: Fears greatest hit is called: What if? How can we walk through stuff , live through stuff, and brave through stuff with fear pressing on every side ? Listen and be blessed.
Pastor Jim: In today's world, many people have rejected the concept of God as Father . So, what does God as father mean ? What does it mean to be his Child ? What does it mean to belong to His Family ? Why is this important for you to understand ? Listen and be blessed .
Jae Sung Kim: God has called every church of every generation to be an end time church because He doesn’t want anyone to perish. So he continues to send his church into the world. How ? Listen and be blessed.
Hasse Persson: How are we to biblically & historically view the current happenings in Isreal and pray for the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world to come ? An insightful teaching for the church.
Zac Bush: How do you want to be remembered after your life journey on the earth is ended. What legacy do you leave to your world ? This teaching will challenge you to set your priorities right Listen and be blessed
Rui de Sousa: The heart filled with worship will always produce great generosity via giving because giving is all about the hear. As Jesus said, "where your treasure is, where your heart will be also. This teaching helps you answer this question: "WHERE & WHAT is my heart anchored on ?"
Hasse Persson: Do we have the right attitude of heart when we give our tithes ? Understanding the role the church plays in furthering God's kingdom on the earth today allows us to understand tithing as a sacred ministry which should be given freely and with spiritual conviction !!
Jae Kim Sung: Just like in prophet Haggai’s day, there is great temptation for apathy and discouragement today. Even blessings from God can become an idol that we place our trust in. How are we as christians to keep sight of what is really important? Listen and be blessed .
Maritha Vilhelmsson: Who are you? Does any part of your past define you in a way that is not good? In the Bible there are so many descriptions of people that can help us understand important things about our lives, but also about God's infinite love. God is always ready to receive us with open arms when we come to Him with an open heart.
Rui Desousa: What is our role in God's plan? What do we have to do pur part so God's plan comes to pass? God's vision for us involves that we have the courage and determination to obey Him. Abraham is considered the father of faith because he had the courage to obey God's voice above it all.
Ike Ohajekwe: Prayer is a close and intimate conversation with God. The master key to communicate with our Heavenly Father and open the floodgate of God's blessings. So what should we pray for and how should we pray for it ? Listen and be blessed.
Jae Sung Kim: What does it mean being a part of a multicultural church? How does that reflect God's plan for us? Seeing a church united over ethnic, social, and generational barriers is a clear reminder that God has a plan for each and everyone of us. Leaning into our spiritual fellowship is probably the way in which we can connect with one another.
Hasse Persson: Are you ready to answer to Jesus's calling? How prepared are you to receive His message into your heart? In Mathew 22 the parable of the wedding banquet teaches us that we have expectations on the people we reach out to in our church. However, just as Jesus did, we have a duty to welcome all as they are.
Kjell Waern: Have you ever wondered about the miracle of Jesus's birth? What does it mean for us to be born anew? Something must happen in the relationship between You and the Holy Spirit if you want to do something lasting God's Kingdom. Listen and be blessed.
Hasse Persson: What type of people are we supposed to find in our church? To whom is the message of salvation directed? Jesus's message was directed to everyone, but specially to those whom society har deemed unworthy. The Disciples invited all kinds of people to partake in the message of hope and salvation that Jesus preached.
Rui de Sousa: Have you lowered your expectations on what you believe God will do for you? Do you know what God can produce with a single seed planted faith? If you have started experiencing a plateau in your spiritual life, remeber that God has given us His word that our prayers will be answered. Just because we don't see anything, it doesn't mean God isn't doing something.
Jae Sung Kim: What does the Bible say about rest? What is the foundation that rest is based on in in Gods plan for creation? Creation rests on harmonious dependency on God. Rest is an important part of our lives to be able to partake in Gods harmony.
Rui de Sousa: Why do we pray? What is the purpose of prayer? We grow in our relationship with God when we pray and we release God's will through prayer.
Sheila: Do we know in how many ways the Holy Spirit intercedes in our lives? Where do we go to in the times of need? The Holy Spirit stands alongside with us even under the most trying times.
Jason Cusick: Can the Bible show us what is ok to feel? Can the Bible help manage our emotions? When our emotions run strong it is important to have hope and remember that God wants to heal us.
Rui de Sousa: How can we handle our feelings of fear through Jesus? What does it mean to have an eternal perspective? When we know our place is with Christ can we understand our eternal perspective.
Rui de Sousa: How do we stand firm in our faith while living in an ungodly culture at the same time? And is even possible? We need God's truth in our daily lives.
Ike Ohajekwe: Do we really understand how important our relationship with the Holy Spirit is? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our spiritual lives? How can we become more open to Him, the Holy Spirit? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: Too much to do? Are we too stressed by the many choices we have in our daily lives? Are we spending our time on the right things? This message will help you gain divine clarity with eternal perspective .
Hasse Persson: What do we actually believe in? What do we tell newcomers what our faith is all about? Is Jesus the core of our belief ? Listen and be blessed
Jae Sung :What is the "yoke" that Jesus offers and how is it different from the yoke of the burdened and wearied? How can rest be connected to a yoke!? Listen and be blessed.
Rui de Sousa: Why do you come to church ? What do you want to see happen in your life in church? And as church leadership, when we see people coming to church, we should earnestly seek God for answers to why they came and help deliver that.. Amazing teaching!!
Hasse Persson: The Holy Spirit is given to us without measure the scripture testifies ! In what context is this spoken of and how does the understanding of this context empower and invigorate our spiritual life on the earth. Listen and be blessed
Ilona Wetterud: From darkness to light is an amazing testimony/story of how good uses the painful things we go through to work out something great in our lives and we become change agents to others. Are you crying out for God in the midst of your pain, this testimony is for you.
Rui de Sousa: A sure sign that we have grasped the "Resurrection" (among many others) is the level this understanding upgrades our praise life to. Que: Do you have any idea how powerful the resurrection is? This sermon leads you to love Jesus intensely! Halleluja !
Hasse Persson: How can we best understand this metaphor describing the Church as the bride of Christ ? This sermon will deepen you understand and strengthen your faith and hope in Jesus as we await his coming back.
Jae Sung Kim: What does it mean that the church is the body of Jesus of Christ ? Why is this understanding essential? And How should this affect how i live out my faith in Jesus Christ daily ? Listen and be blessed.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.