New Podcast Let Us Reason – A Christian/Muslim Dialogue
Al Fadi discusses a quote on his fakebook page Alfadi.cira in a new series "Simple Questions Answered". Today's quote is: If Mohammad was a prophet like Moses, why didn't he observe the Sabbath? Muslims claim that Deuteronomy 18:18 is about Mohammad. Muhammad acknowledged that it was required of him not to transgress the Sabbath in Sura 4: 154. In Numbers 15: 32-36 working on the Sabbath was punishable by death. In Sura 62: 9-11 Muslims should give up trading only when hearing the call to prayer, and not completely stop all trade on Friday which Mohammad claimed to be his Sabbath. Therefore he did not endorse the law of Moses, and in doing so he condemned himself and he is not the prophet like Moses. Jesus on the other hand fulfilled the law of Moses and if we are in Christ we also have fulfilled the law through him and we are not condemned.
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