Title: PODDINGTON Description: Paddington, this is not. Meet Poddington. He’s hungry. He’s hangry. And he’s not going to take it anymore. Credits: PODDINGTON was written, performed, sound designed and produced by Kevin Berrey. David Ault recorded and played the role of Poddington Bear and can be found at https://www.davidault.co.uk/. Oh, and Kevin is the creator of the satirical cyberpunk podcast Hell Gate City, available at http://hellgatecity.com, or search those three magic words “hell gate city” on your favorite podcast app. Thanks for listening! See you in cyberspace. Content Warnings: Mentions of animal death and taxidermy; cursing of British empire; jump scares, screaming, mouth sounds, and a maneating bear dining with squelching and gore sounds TRANSCRIPT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IU16Bvq3UDaXuo2XB_0Ra57itNkz8Nxx/view?usp=drive_link