Nintendo Power Cast Episode 240
Music On Being Human
Unofficial Nintendo Podcast
What We Played/Impressions
Killer Queen Black
Daemon X Machina gets a multiplayer update, plus a schedule for upcoming releases Nintendo Tweet
File size revealed for Sword and Shield 10.3GBNew specific pokemon revealed - Galar Ponyta
Brain Age gets a release date for the West in Europe on 1/3/20
Free Wargroove DLC - adds Co-Op Campaign and new Commanders GameSpot
Fortnite Event happened on Sunday - Epic Games deleted the game into a big black hole that hasn’t changed since the eventIt has been rumored that the excluded “Save the World” mode might become free to play and also available on the Switch.
New Pro Controller? A new model number has been spotted in the wild for the Pro Controller the new model number now ends in an “E” instead of a “D” NintendoLifeIt is not clear if there have been any changes to this new model
Talking Points
Build a top 5 games for the Switch