Welcome to our fourth bonus episode of the No More Perfect Podcast! I like to surprise you with a little extra, bite-size podcast goodness every once in a while that's quick to listen to and helpful for your life. Just to say thank you!
And today's episode is only about 7-minutes long total, making it a really easy listen.
Defensiveness is not uncommon for a lot of us, but we don't realize how hurtful it is over time. Today we're talking all about moving from being defensive to being reassuring. This isn't just a helpful strategy for marriage, but is also valuable for all the relationships throughout your life!
So friend, here's a short and sweet episode with some practical insight for the relationship(s) that matter most to you. I hope it's a great reminder today!
Show Notes: https://jillsavage.org/bonus-be-reassuring/
Join Date Night: https://nomoreperfectdatenight.com/
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