No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
Do you ever feel fear when you look towards uncertainty in the future? Your childrens' futures? Stepping out into a new vocation? Schools opening back up? Your marriage?
Many of us live with anticipation but also great anxiety about what the future might bring. So we work hard to stay one step ahead of our worst case scenarios. And while we are focused on arranging a secure tomorrow, our fear strangles the peace, the joy, and the purpose of today. If you’re ready to put fear in its place, then this episode is for you!
My friend, Katy McCown, is an author, speaker, and the president of She Laughs Ministries. Katy's husband, Luke, was a former NFL quarterback, and during their time in the NFL, they had to move so many times, sometimes the day after they found out! Katy understands fear and she’s learned so much about how to put it in its place. Join me for this conversation with Katy about where uncertainty pops up in our lives, how to work through our fears, where fear really comes from, and how we can filter the fear we feel with the truth of who God is!
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