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No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage

Fall in Love with God's Word with Brittany Ann | Episode 28

39 min • 2 februari 2021

Does reading the Bible excite you or intimidate you? Is it something you look forward to or feel obligated to do? Do you struggle to find the time to make it a consistent priority? Honestly, I've felt all those things and more! There are seasons of life when I can't wait to dig into God's Word and other seasons when it's hard to find the motivation.

That rollercoaster of emotions is why I'm so excited to introduce you to today's guest, Brittany Ann.

After seeing how many people wanted to read the Bible more but struggled to actually do it, Brittany founded, where she challenges, encourages, and equips Christian women to be ALL IN in faith and family. She's also the author of the brand new book, Fall in Love with God's Word: Practical Strategies for Busy Women.

In today's episode, Brittany shares why many women struggle to make reading the Bible a priority, what limiting beliefs are often in the way of getting in God's Word, the best place to start in the Bible if you're new to it, and what we'll see in our lives when we're consistently making time with God and His Word.

Brittany is a steady presence with a lot of practical wisdom to share! I look forward to hearing what you take away from this conversation!

Show Notes:

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