No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
At times, life is unfair.
Sometimes we go through pain--physical, emotional, and relational. Loss and grief become real. Life unravels and comes "undone" in a way we never imagined.
There's no one better to talk about the undone life than my friend Michele Cushatt. A three-time head and neck cancer survivor and parent of “children from hard places,” Michele is a (reluctant) expert of trauma, pain and the deep human need for authentic connection.
In this episode of the No More Perfect Podcast Michele and I talk about the hard stuff of life, the reality of suffering, and where God is in it all. We talk about how to find your footing in the suffering and how to sit with others when they are experiencing painful seasons.
This is the real stuff of life we all experience at one time or another. It's the stuff our loved ones experience. Michele's understanding of how God uses suffering in our life is a concept we all desperately need to understand.
You can find the show notes here:
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