No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
Raising a daughter in today’s social-media-oriented, crazy world can be challenging! As our daughters grow up, we actually have some growing to do too. What does it look like for us to grow up and to love our daughters well? How can we grow ourselves to remain an emotionally-safe place for our girls? How can we lead them well through the hormone-charged pre-teen and teen years?
Joining me to help tackle these questions is Kari Kampakis, an author, speaker, and podcaster from Birmingham, Alabama. She firmly believes that mothers can love well by improving the foundation, habits, and dynamics of their relationship with their children.
I do want to note that this conversation may be directed at moms of daughters, but if you are a dad, please listen in because these principles apply to either parent’s relationship with their daughter.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
This conversation was full of SO much practical advice and examples, and I am grateful to share it with you!
Show Notes:
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