No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
We want to talk with you about a question Mark and I get asked often. People really struggle with finding an answer or finding resolve to this question: How do I forgive myself? Many times, they would say, I can’t, or I don’t even understand what I should do with that.
Sometimes, it can feel like you are “unforgivable,” and it would be better if you just locked those feelings away. When we choose not to address it, it can lead to bitterness, self-loathing, self-hatred, and more. Those feelings don’t stay locked away; they leak out all over the relationships that mean the most to you and can eat away at your soul.
If you’ve made a mistake or if you’ve really messed up, you have to walk through the steps of self-forgiveness, which is the topic of this episode.
In this episode, you'll hear:
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