No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
Several years ago, Mark and I started hosting “cousins’ weekends” for our grandkids. This is when all the grandkids come to our home for 24 hours to have a fun time with their cousins and we get to enjoy time with all of them. As an added bonus, their parents get a nice break too! In addition, three years ago we started “Cousins Camp.” This is an extended time together that we offer to our older grandchildren. Mark and I love our time together with them!
I’ve had so many people ask about how we do a cousins’ weekend and Cousins Camp that I thought it was time to do a podcast episode about it! So I’ve decided to invite two friends to join in on the conversation: My friend, Julie Pichon, who first introduced me to the idea of a Cousins Camp after hosting her Grammy Camp for years, and Roxy Wiley, the author of the book DIY Camp Grandma: A Handbook to Create an Extraordinary Experience for Grandchildren.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
I hope this episode sparks ideas for your own intentional time with your grandkids!
Show Notes:
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