No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
If someone asked if you wanted to make a difference in the world, I imagine your answer would be an enthusiastic, “Yes!” However, the truth is we often get caught up in work demands, home responsibilities, cranky attitudes, challenging people, and exhaustion. All of these things keep us from seeing opportunities to show love to others.
But what if living and loving well weren’t accomplished in the big things but rather in the smallest acts of kindness? What if we were able to make small tweaks to our routine that would make a big impact? That’s what we are talking about today with my friend, Becky Kopitzke! Becky is a wife, mother, and author of three books including Love Because: How to Change the World One Blessing at a Time.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
I loved this practical conversation with Becky, and I know you will too! Listen in!
Show Notes:
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