No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
Have you missed the workshops at Hearts at Home Conferences? (For those of you who were part of those!) That's one thing I hear all the time, and to be honest, I do as well. But friends, today's conversation will feel like a full-blown parenting workshop packed into 50 minutes. So much wisdom!
If you've noticed that all this togetherness at home has increased family conflict instead of connection, this conversation is for you. Even if you only have one child, this is one you'll get a ton of value from.
Dr. Todd Cartmell is a long-time friend of mine and a child psychologist who received his doctorate in clinical psychology from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is the author of six faith-based parenting books, has been married for over 30 years, and has two sons. He's so knowledgable and is passionate about equipping parents to lead their kids well.
Like I said above, today's episode is PACKED with wisdom. Todd shares about what he's seeing from kids during COVID-19, how to actively listen to our kids, practices we can put in place to increase connection with them, practical ways to promote positive behavior instead of constantly calling out bad behavior, creating intentional family time, and so much more. Parents, listen in!
Show Notes:
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