I’m not enough. I’m unlovable. I can never get it right. I’m not wanted. I’m better off alone. I’m better off dead. I deserve this. It’s my fault.
All of these phrases are statements that many of us struggle with to some degree. And they are fueled by something called shame. And that’s what we are going to talk about in today’s episode.
If you’ve ever thought one of these statements or if they are deeply embedded into who you believe you are, there is hope! My husband, Mark, and I share our own battle with shame and the path to overcome the messages that shame gives us. In this episode, we dig into the roots of shame, how shame has played out in our marriage, how we see it play out in other marriages we support, how you can find hope, and the most effective way to move towards living in truth.
Most of all, I hope you walk away knowing that you are loved by God and He alone has the answer for who you really are: His precious, beloved child. I look forward to hearing what stands out to you!
Show Notes: https://jillsavage.org/released-shame-39/
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