No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
Have you ever been in a season of life where you felt trapped in a relentless lifestyle?
Years ago, Mark and I wrote a book called Living with Less so Your Family Has More. One of the key concepts woven throughout that book was the idea of choosing to live with less stress, less money, and less activities than what is the cultural norm. When I read Brenda Yoder’s new book, Uncomplicated, I felt like I had a friend with a similar passion for that message, so I asked her to join me here on the podcast.
Brenda is a counselor, speaker, author, and educator from Shipshewana, Indiana. She is the author of Fledge: Launching Your Kids Without Losing Your Mind and Uncomplicated: Simple Secrets for a Compelling Life.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
I know you’ll enjoy this conversation with my friend, Brenda!
Show Notes:
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