No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
Do love and money clash in your marriage? Is this just a subject you tend to avoid? If so, you're not alone! It's actually rather common for couples to experience frustrations around this topic.
Today on the podcast, I'm so excited to welcome my friend Shaunti Feldhahn, bestselling author of For Women Only, for a conversation about how we can honestly discuss money in marriage without the fear of conflict.
And let me tell you, this one is a game-changer.
She and her husband Jeff are fresh off a 3-year national research project on love and money that, in many ways, startled them. Through the study, they discovered that conflict around money issues usually isn’t about money at all. The core issue is actually about how money makes us feel.
Shaunti shares honestly in today's podcast about how, despite working together for more than half of their 25-year marriage, Jeff and her simply could not talk about money. They essentially handled everything separately (something many of us may relate with!). This research project was a crucial step for them to understand what was really behind their money conflicts and to choose unity rather than arguments or avoidance.
You're going to love Shaunti's candor as we talk about why money is such a difficult topic, what frustrations with money are most commonly about for men and women, how we can move from conflict to unity, why being a "spender" doesn't have to be a bad trait, and a whole lot more.
Listen in and let me know what your biggest takeaway is! This one is so good!
Show Notes:
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