No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
Mark and I often get the opportunity to speak on marriage topics, but rarely do we get the opportunity to preach a Sunday morning message together. In today’s episode, we are sharing a unique message that Mark and I have actually given internationally, but had the privilege of delivering at The Church Next Door in Columbus, OH called “Where’s Jesus in Your Car?”
In this message, we are sharing our marriage journey and how both Mark and I had to learn what surrender looks like by allowing Jesus to sit in the driver’s seat of our life (and stay there). It can be difficult to continually give up control and trust God to guide our lives, especially when it doesn’t make sense to us, but that is the journey of trusting God that we are called to.
In this message, you’ll hear:
This message really looks at Jesus’ leadership in our life and I look forward to hearing what stands out most to you!
Show Notes:
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