In this episode,, Rachael is joined by an expert to discuss one of her favorite topics- temperament and sleep. McCall Gordon is a sleep researcher and author, and today she and Rachael delve into the complexities of a little-known but hugely important factor when it comes to sleep, parenting, and more: Temperament. Specifically, Rachael and Macall discuss what Macall refers to as “Livewire” children- those who are more sensitive, more reactive, and in need of different supports particularly when it comes to sleep. Inside this game-changing episode:
Macall has a B.S. in Human Biology from Stanford University and an M.A. in Applied Psychology from Antioch University, Seattle. She has conducted and presented research worldwide on sleep training advice, parenting, and the effect of temperament on sleep. She is also a certified Gentle Sleep Coach in private practice as well as with the women’s telehealth platform, Maven Clinic and has just published a book on sleep and temperament called "Why Won't You Sleep?! A Game-changing Approach for Exhausted Parents of Nonstop, Super Alert, Big Feeling Kids." She comes to this work because she had two of these children, and didn’t sleep for 18 years.
Mentioned in this episode:
Rachael's next TEMPERAMENT + SLEEEP WORKSHOP is Jan 30! Sign up here
Take the Temperament Quiz
Macall’s new book on Amazon
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