One year after the events of Rane In Blood, the Black Swan Security Specialists are summoned to the edge of Rimspace to the notorious X-Class Port: Prospero's Dream. With days to spare before their clandestine meeting, they sample what delights The Dream has to offer.
So begins the prologue of our first Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG Campaign, NWTBPODCAST Presents: Ghosts and The Machine, our actual play of Gradient Decent.
Before heading to The Deep, the characters begin their journey aboard the Prospero's Dream, the pirate space station featured in the Mothership RPG adventure: A Pound of Flesh.
We are very excited to embark on our first longer form story, we hope you will follow along with us over at our community Discord. You can find the Invite link HERE
As always this endeavor would not be possible without the support of our generous Patrons, we thank you.
We hope you enjoy the show! Remember to stick around till the end for the outtakes!
Twitter: @nwtbugbear
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"Pound of Flesh Theme" and "Rane In Blood Theme" by John S. © 2023 John S. All Rights Reserved.
Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
Music: "Transmission", "Mega Heavy Suspense" and "Futuristic 1" by Alexander Nakarada (
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
All other sounds and effects are sourced from using the Creative Commons 0 License.