With the CTS Merciful Dawn hijacked by Blood Pirates, members of the Black Swan Security Specialists Ryan Prince, Gordon "Good Shot" Goode and his medical Android Raphael, enlist the help of the crew of the Dawn to retake control of the situation.
We return to the Merciful Dawn in a thrilling conclusion of our play-through of Rane In Blood, the brutal adventure and antagonist source book by Eric Alsandor. Available at https://spider00x.itch.io or from the official Tuesday Knight Games store.
This was recorded back in June 2022! and was a Patreon exclusive. Please enjoy the more "relaxed" atmosphere of this one, lots of banter and stick around for the outtakes at the end if you want to hear how we warm up before playing.
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Title theme by John S. © 2023 John S. All Rights Reserved.
Music: "Futuristic 1", "Futuristic 3", "Mega Heavy Suspense", "Hor Hor", "Transmission" and "Space Ambiance" by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
All other sounds and effects are sourced from https://freesound.org using the Creative Commons 0 License.