The Smashiest balls were the friends we made along the way.
The NOCLIP Awards are back again this year with all their usual prestige. I know you are all waiting with baited breath to see what games are getting the nod, while knowing full well that the games that released this year are of no object when you compare them to the games that we chose to play this year, which are the true contenders. When it is finally realized that we should be the true arbiters of taste, these awards will defeat all others in the public consciousness and weird new Elden Ring games will be announced on our podcast. This is the world I truly want to live in.
One thing you will learn after listening this year though, is that this was quite a varied year. Which, admittedly we do try to do, but it comes out in the variety of games represented. It’s a thing that always makes me feel good looking back through all the episodes we did and seeing the different experiences we had this year and seeing both how the medium is changing as well as the wealth of games from the past that are still unique and worth revisiting. I hope we’ve influenced you to check out something out of your usual comfort zone, and that this show can make you reflect on the experiences that you had.
Thank you, as always for joining us for another year of NOCLIP and our dumb awards thing. We’re taking a short break, but will be back mid-to-late January with an episode on The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. And please don’t forget to get submissions in, through whatever channel you want (Discord, comments, email, twitter, whatever), for Fanbruary!