This is the first in a two part series on sculpture and sculpture conservation and restoration.
We are introducing British emerging sculptor Hugh Chapman. This is a raw and honest introduction into the artist's journey of Hugh. His conceptual work is engaging and incredibly emotive. His sculptural forms are complex with elegant waxing modern patinas which feel luxurious and organic.
Our conversation is an investigation into the challenges faced by a sculptor and how partnerships with foundries and experts in restoration and conversation are incredibly important to the completion of projects and maintenance of works.
You can view Hugh Chapman's work on his artist's page on our website and all the sculptures discussed by Hugh and Henry Moore, Tony Cragg, Anish Kapoor and Antony Gormley will be featured on our Nordic Art Agency Instagram.
Hugh's work will be unveiled at our Winter Art Pop Up at Hansa which launches in November and you can follow Hugh Chapman on Instagram to view more works.