100 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Veckovis: Söndag
Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, GA where our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our desire is that this podcast will encourage you in your relationship with God. Visit us at northpoint.org.
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Before inviting Peter to follow him, Jesus asked Peter to “put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” After a night of fishing with no success and despite his reservations, Peter agreed: “But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” At some point, every Jesus follower will face their own “because you say so” moment. Like Peter, we won’t know what hangs in the balance or our decision. It’s better to find out than miss out.
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All of us face obstacles to generosity. The common denominator for our obstacles is a desire for more. The apostle Paul taught that true wealth isn't found in accumulation but in contentment. And he shows what it looks like to place our hope not in riches but in God who richly provides.
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Everyone has a generosity plan, but most people prioritize spending first and leave giving as an afterthought. Jesus flipped the script on that approach with “Seek ye first” living. Embracing this financial template is a tangible expression of submission to our King.
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Jesus redefined generosity—not as spontaneous or sparing, but as intentional and prioritized. His approach ensures we don’t put our trust in riches but in God who richly provides. Choosing to follow his definition of generosity results in greater impact, less worry, more joy, and more peace.
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Biblical generosity is informed and fueled by the acknowledgment that God owns it all. We are simply managers. When we adopt that posture, we view everything we “own” as a potential tool to further the agenda of our King. We will give first and adjust our lifestyle accordingly. Christians who adopt this perspective as the organizing principle for their personal finances find it easier to surrender the other components of their life as well. As Jesus made clear, the number one competitor for our devotion to God is our devotion to more. More money and more things.
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Jesus’s kingdom is not advanced by force, but over time through transformed lives. We are invited to participate in its expansion.
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The fight of faith is about becoming more like Jesus, not about defeating enemies.
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People all over the world claim to be Christian, based on a belief Jesus is the ultimate king. But at times, we can find ourselves living in defiance of the very king we swear allegiance to.
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The term "Christ" was originally a royal title meaning "Anointed One" or “King,” not a name. And the message of the Gospel is not just about personal salvation, but about aligning with the reign of Jesus as King.
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If we re-center our faith around the arrival of a King rather than a ticket to heaven, we will discover why his arrival and his kingdom is good news for all people.
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Just as the apostle Paul wrote to the Jesus followers in Ephesus, you were made for something more than yourself. You are God’s workmanship, and you’ve got something to offer God’s Kingdom.
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We can disagree culturally and politically, and still love unconditionally.
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The lineage of Jesus is full of people with stories that would make anyone blush, including the likes of King David and Lot’s daughters. But in spite of jaw-dropping choices people made, God’s purposes marched forward.
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Rahab is one of a few people in the lineage of Jesus that wasn’t Jewish — she was a Canaanite. Not to mention, she was a prostitute. But neither of those things kept her from being used by God in an incredible way.
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The story of Judah and Tamar is probably not one we would have mentioned if we were the ones telling the back story of Jesus’s ancestors. However, many times God’s story highlights the unlikely and the undeserving.
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We have the power to influence the posture of our heart — but how?
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Our capacity to forgive is flow from what we’ve been forgiven. So, how much forgiveness is enough?
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Jesus uses the parables of Lost Things to demonstrate His love for us.
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Our circumstances don’t define how God feels about us. So how do we navigate those circumstances when we don’t get the miracle?
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Miracles are at God’s discretion to further God’s purposes.
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The miracle of the universe is the foundation of our faith in God, but a different miracle is the foundation of our faith in Jesus.
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Serving people with different lived experiences is one of the primary things God uses to fine-tune our worldview.
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We all fall short sometimes. How we respond to temptations and frustrations can affect our well-being and relationships. What would happen if we brought our struggles into the light and invited others in?
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Everyone has a worldview. It governs your beliefs, decisions, and behaviors. You owe it to yourself to be honest about your source of truth because that will ultimately govern your life.
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What’s really going on in the world? The reality is that something is governing your life — and it’s not you.
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We must take responsibility for the me nobody can see.
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Since 2007, our Be Rich campaign has been making the world an even better place. After all, devotion to God is best demonstrated and authenticated through love for others.
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Our choices today will leave our loved ones with one of two things in the future: a burden or a blessing.
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Sometimes we have to go back to move forward.
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Your irresponsibility will eventually become somebody else's responsibility.
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We are far more likely to develop meaningful faith when people of faith surround us.
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We have a natural tendency to be critical toward others because we want others to change for our benefit. So how does Jesus actually address this idea of being critical and judging others? Is it ever healthy? How do you want to be judged?
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A game that requires a loser is a game nobody wins. When we play the comparison game and allow envy to motivate our actions, it can cost us more than we expect.
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When it comes to relationships, the blame game is a game that no one wins.
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A game that requires a loser is a game nobody wins.
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Following the script of Jesus doesn’t mean all men will be the same. But it does mean we’ll be better men.
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Somebody may have defined masculinity for you, but how will you define it for yourself?
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What could our world look like if we chose restoration instead of condemnation?
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We all have a little bit of patience but we also know how limited it can be. How do we increase our capacity for patience? And why does it matter?
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It’s tough to be a faithful follower of Jesus under normal circumstances, and nearly impossible when someone around you has given you a big reason not to be. But help is available to us.
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We all want to be good, but sometimes we’re not. What do we do when we fall short?
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What does kindness look like, act like, and react like?
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Many Christians refer to the Bible as the “Word.” But there’s more to the Word than the Bible itself.
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Jesus never said life would be easy, but he did promise us a path that leads to peace.
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Jesus promised that a consistent, constant, and steady joy can be ours. And fortunately, he also tells us how.
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The Holy Spirit was given to us not so we could be more spiritual, but so we could become more mature.
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Despite Jesus predicting it multiple times, eyewitnesses were shocked to learn God had raised Jesus from the dead. And what God did for Jesus, he can do for you.
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It’s easy to believe the greatest enemy of the church comes from outside the church. Unfortunately, the church’s greatest threat is right in the middle of it.
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The message of the church is a message for the world.
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Early Christians were bold, confident, and courageous. How we pray is an indicator if we’ve strayed from that.
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Provide for the next generation what you wish the previous generation had provided for you.
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When the church first began, a natural question surfaced right away: What shall we do? The answer had to do more with understanding who your faith was in more than what needed to be done.
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Being part of a local gathering of Jesus followers means you are part of something big. It’s up to each generation to determine what Christianity looks like, sounds like, and reacts like.
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Most people understand the importance of monitoring the physical condition of their heart. Jesus taught that the spiritual and emotional condition of the heart is what’s most important in this life.
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One way to test the spiritual condition of your heart is to listen to the words you say. In Matthew 15:10–20, Jesus teaches that the words we say reveal what’s in our hearts. Monitoring the nature of your words can help you monitor the condition of your heart. When it comes to your heart, do you hear yourself?
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One way to test the spiritual condition of your heart is to listen to the words you say. In Matthew 15:10–20, Jesus teaches that the words we say reveal what’s in our hearts. Monitoring the nature of your words can help you monitor the condition of your heart. When it comes to your heart, do you hear yourself?
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In all its subtle forms, greed has the potential to rob your life. But the secret to living a meaning-filled life is found across the border from what’s in it for me.
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If the only things that concern you are about you, there is work to do. Ultimately, we save ourselves from ourselves by choosing not to be all about ourselves.
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If something about the world is broken and it breaks your heart, there’s an opportunity to be a part of fixing it.
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During this time of year, we engage our imaginations as we embrace the magic of Christmas. Let’s also imagine what the world would be like if we fully embraced the way of Jesus—the way of love.
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Jesus came to show us not only the way back to God, but the way back to others as well. As people who have been reconciled to God, we should pursue reconciliation with people whenever possible.
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Have you ever felt like you've lost your way? Usually by the time we realize we’re lost, we’ve been lost for quite some time. And we instinctively ask, "What should I do?" Instead, there’s a different question to consider.
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We believe following Jesus makes your life better and makes you better at life, and we want our local church to inspire people to follow him. In this message, Andy Stanley talks about how and why we do church the way we do.
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The church should be much more than a place people gather. As modeled in the early days of Christianity, it’s intended to look like a united, selfless, and committed family.
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Sometimes if something is too familiar, we forget how significant it is. The parable of the prodigal son is a perfect example. And when we acknowledge where we are in the story, we’re positioned to discover where we need to be.
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Doubt doesn't have to be an off-ramp to faith. In fact, it's a natural part of the journey.
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No matter if our current season of life is easy or difficult, we strive to fix our eyes on Jesus instead of our circumstances.
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Our circumstances are not an indicator of God’s absence.
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Your great work is to identify the distractions that keep you from the “problem” that you are uniquely positioned to solve.
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Great work is often found on the other side of a terrifying longing. How could clarity
regarding your “terrifying longing” reduce the allure of the distractions you’re most susceptible to?
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Spiritual disciplines require practice. Practicing well is just as important as practicing, period. In this message, we’ll learn about a few disciplines we can begin to practice to make room to experience more of God’s power in our lives.
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Spiritual habits are not the end; but a means to an end. To what end? Jesus makes that abundantly clear.
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As we see in this interview with Hal Donaldson, sometimes difficult circumstances can inspire people to do something great.
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Living in the upside-down kingdom Jesus described can perhaps seem risky and foolish. But the power and love of God is released when we embrace it.
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We can be tempted by a lot of things we shouldn’t give in to. But when we give into the temptation of humility, the world changes for the better.
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The cross is a reminder for us to stop chasing what can’t be caught.
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It's not intuitive to choose to lose, but Jesus introduced an upside-down way of living.
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With our society as divided as ever, we as Jesus followers have the opportunity to model how to cultivate a culture of diverse friendships.
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Prioritizing the needs of a community of people above ourselves moves us toward the interdependence we need.
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Great friendships are rare as adults. We go through most of life with built-in friendships, but then we’re thrown into the real world where it seems much harder to find and maintain them. Using three key concepts, we’ll discover how to create and cultivate meaningful friendships.
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#8: The Bible documents God’s redemptive activity in the world, culminating in the arrival of his final King.
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A conversation with John Dickson.
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#7: Jesus followers are multipliers.
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#6: The church is God’s agent of transformation personally, culturally, and globally.
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#5: Jesus died for my sin to reconcile me to God.
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#4: Jesus promised justice in the end and invites us to trust him in the meantime.
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#3: Jesus defined sin as anything that harms you or others.
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#2: Jesus came to illustrate and demonstrate what God is like.
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#1: Jesus is God’s Son and our King.
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The way of Jesus is the way of love. But loving in theory and loving as a way of life are very different, with very different outcomes. The great thing for us is that Jesus offers us his own life as an example of how to love as a way of life.
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The way of Jesus—the life he modeled—is a life of daily surrender and sacrificial living. Every day, we have countless opportunities to deny ourselves and take up our cross, even in the small, seemingly insignificant moments.
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Being an apprentice of Jesus leads to a life full of love, joy, hope, peace, purpose, contentment, wisdom, perspective, better decisions, and fewer regrets. Not just eternal life, but a fulfilling life on this side of heaven can be ours when we go beyond believing and start following his way.
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We all need Easter because we all need the love of God.
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Forgiving someone before they ask for it isn’t easy, but it’s exactly what God did for us.
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The church is God's agent of transformation for the world, and the church is your opportunity to take part in that transformation. Take the step from being just a consumer at the local church to being involved.
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