Nutrition with Judy | Carnivore Diet
Today I have Tracy Carmack with me. She is all things gut health and support for gut health.
We talk about:
1. How can the probiotics survive if there are no fiber or plants to feed them on the carnivore diet?
2. Do you take probiotics months at a time or continuously forever as part of a healthy diet?
3. What about coconut oil and coconut milk and the gut?
4. Why do people feel bloated when taking probiotics?
5. People ask all the time about prebiotic fibers. Do we need them for gut health and good gut bugs to thrive?
6. What about the other probiotic strains: Lactobacillus sacromicis & bifidobacterium species predominated blends, Saccharomyces Boulardii (a healthy fungus),
7. What’s the benefit of Saccharomyces blend (Restoraflora)?
8. Why is soil-based beneficial over Lactobacillus and saccharomyces when lactobacillus is has more research in clinical trials? Some say that all 3 are better than just one so having all 3 at once is ideal. Can you explain why you think just soil based is ideal?
9. Should we take more probiotics with antibiotics? Don’t they die with antibiotics?
10. Talk a little about mega guard. Benefits. Who should take? How does it differ from probiotics?
11. Talk a little about yeast and fungal support (mega mycobalance)? How does it differ from other anti-fungals?
12. How do we taper down probiotics?
This episode was originally a video on my YouTube channel.
They can be found on the original YouTube post here.
**Carnivore Cure**
Carnivore Cure provides a step-by-step approach to optimal health while also providing extensive nutritional information and evidence-based support for following a meat-based lifestyle (with hundreds of colored visuals and coveted Nutrition with Judy nutritional graphics). Carnivore Cure debunks nutritional misinformation and provides lifestyle support through the lens of holistic health.
The content is for educational purposes only. While I am a nutritional therapy practitioner and provide nutritional support, I am not providing medical advice. Whenever you start a new diet or protocol, always first consult with your trusted practitioner.