For a country to take on the most critical problems of our day, like climate change, it needs its people to be engaged and committed. Yet, as countries recover from the biggest health, economic and social crisis in decades, the trust citizens have in their government is under strain. How can this trust be won back? What drives public trust? How can policymakers build people's confidence in their government's capacity to be responsive, reliable, open, honest and fair? Elsa Pilichowski, Director for Public Governance of the OECD, helps us answer these questions. This podcast is the first in a two part series on reinforcing democracy, organised by the Directorate for Public Governance of the OECD.
Guest: Elsa Pilichowski, Director for Public Governance, OECD
Host: Christopher Mooney
Producer: Robin Allison Davis
To learn more about the OECD's work on democracy, go to: