Today’s K-Pop Musician is "Paul Kim(폴킴)".
Even though his family was against it, Paul Kim(폴킴) dropped out of college and came to Korea to follow his dream of becoming a singer.
He stayed in a tiny living space, worked 9 hours a day at a cafe, and spent the rest of his time practicing music.
He then went on an audition segment for a radio, and got to record his single album then.
After that, he went on every season of Superstar K, but he was never shown on air.
When he was on <스타 오디션 위대한 탄생 3 (The Great Birth 3)>, that’s when he was first introduced to the public. He debuted in 2014 through his single album ‘커피 한 잔 할래요 (Coffee With Me)’.
After lots of hardships, he has become the unmatched ‘eardrum boyfriend’, and is touching many people with his music.
Today, we’ll be diving into singer-songwriter Paul Kim’s music~