Old Men Play Runequest EP 24 - Answers Schmancers
After a long time with no releases , Ill be releasing the podcast versions as well as the Youtube versions.
Please note this is an unmoderated group of real life friends and there are some adult themes and swearing.
Still working off single track audio , this has been cleaned as much as possible
Between the rise of the red moon and the liberation of pavis, witness as the GM desperatly tries to provide information with a party struck almost mute.
And ye he doth keep talking and talkin hopeing the party would ask unto him some quesions.
And then theres some proper dungeoneering like my mam used to make.
usic is is specifically provided by Tony Liam for use with Old Men Play video and audio shows and has his express permission . Find him on https://www.youtube.com/user/SirTonyLiam
Youtube video with battlemaps. https://youtu.be/PY5PbNOnARU