Spine mysteries, saggy sacs, limericks, flim flam, flags, #BlackBirdersWeek, sandals, divebombs, porcupine espionage, ice cream sandwiches and more! The warm and wonderful pelicanologist Juita Martinez studies these glorious dinosaurs and shares fieldwork stories, what it’s like to hold a floofy baby sea bird, what she loves about being in nature and resources for undergrads interested in becoming scientists. We also chat about birding and the amazing visibility campaign launched by BlackAFinSTEM, which is hosting online events this week to open the discussion about how racism affects Black naturalists, scientists, hikers and any other people of color who want to enjoy the outdoors. Oh also: how not to lose a boat.
Follow Juita Martinez at www.instagram.com/juitamartinez and twitter.com/JuitaMartinez
Juita’s website: https://juitamartinez.weebly.com
Follow BlackAFinSTEM at Twitter.com/BlackAFinSTEM and Instagram.com/BlackAFinSTEM
A donation went to BackyardBasecamp.org
#BlackBirdersWeek Events:
Thursday, June 4 #BirdingWhileBlack Livestream Discussion: tinyurl.com/BlackBirders, 7pm-8:30pm EST, moderated by Twitter.com/itsafronomics
Friday, June 5 #BlackWomenWhoBird. Follow all the amazing #BlackWomenWhoBird
Also check out #AskABlackBirder, #PostABird, #BlackInNature, #BlackAFInSTEM
More links at alieward.com/ologies/pelicanology
Transcripts & bleeped episodes at: alieward.com/ologies-extras
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Sound editing by Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media & Steven Ray Morris
Theme song by Nick Thorburn