On Monster Island – Godzilla, Kaiju, & Tokusatsu!
In a YHS on Monster Island first, the intrepid duo of daikaiju devotees, Jacob Walsh and Jay Key, have assembled a veritable pantheon of kaijuand tokusatsu experts to help them determine the winner of the Showa-Down Spectacular!
Thirty-two of the biggest and baddest giant monsters from the Showa era – from Godzilla to Gamera, King Kong to Red King – are pitted in a winner-take-all tournament; the outcomes determined by our hosts and their roster of heavy-hitting prognosticators from all corners of the kaiju creator landscape. Whether it’s the hosts of the popular kaijucollectibles YouTube show, Collect All Monsters; or monster artists royalty like Tom Whalen and Lisa Naffziger; or major influencers within the genre such as the Tokyo Toy Bastard and Pokehon; they offered their expertise to weigh in on some of the beastly battles.
But, despite spending much of their time on the tournament – Jay and Jake review weekly pick-ups because someone may have secured a personal holy grail (and this one won’t disappoint)!
Twitter - @YHSMonsterPod
Instagram – Jake: @jacobzilla / Jay: @tokutoytown
YHS on Monster Island is a proud member of the Yes Have Some Network.
The Yes Have Some Network (“YHS”) started in 2016 and has become a leader in the pop culture media space bringing fans together over films, television, toys, and fandom. Current shows include Yes Have Some Podcast, an authentic and hilarious take on all things pop culture including Ghostbusters, Marvel, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and the horror genre. Toy Anxiety is a YouTube show focusing on the wild world of toy collecting and is a resource for toy news and opinions. YHS on Monster Island is a kaiju-centric podcast covering all things across the giant monster landscape. In addition to these three shows, YHS also operates Yes Have Some Group Therapy, an interactive and safe community on Facebook Groups for discussion, debates, and showing off cool stuff; YHS on Patreon, a pay-for-content platform that gives listeners/viewers access to a huge archive of bonus content and the ability to join YHS Zoom Hangs and film watch-a-longs; the Ghostbusters Containment Unit – a sister podcast focusing on the autograph side of collecting, specifically around the Ghostbusters franchise; and a host of review and commentary shows that align with current and popular television releases – past examples include Midnight Mando (The Mandalorian), The Boba Book Club (Book of Boba Fett), No More Heroes (The Falcon and The Winter Soldier), and The Bad Bitches (The Bad Batch).