Original Publish Date: February 21, 2022
Amarilys forgot to turn on the microphones on this episode last week so they pulled it and re-recorded it. We're hoping to raise enough Patreon funds that maybe one day, Amarilys can go to a training class that teaches her how to press "on" and "record" simultaneously. In any case, if you're interested in the original, it's been uploaded to Patreon. We would love to have you over there, too!
Are you responsible for the death of someone else if you encouraged them to take their own life? That's exactly what happened when Michelle Carter's boyfriend, Conroy Roy, began to contemplate ending it all. This is a conversation about personal responsibility when mental illness is involved. --and a conversation about the importance of eyebrow maintenance.
We also discuss our own personal experiences with depression and meds. As always, we can't help but laugh quite a bit even when talking about such serious matters. Life is tough. Sometimes a laugh is exactly what we need to get to the next moment. Don't forget to rate and review if you like what you hear.
We love to hear from you so feel free to reach out at
[email protected] or at the voicemail link below.
Also, we can be found at Off The Doc on Patreon. Join us there for some super fun discussions as we build a community of friends from around the world. You can say you were among the charter members of this venture!
I Love You, Now Die is streaming on HBO Max and is suitable for teenage audiences provided you are not sensitive to some occasional language.