Original Publish Date: July 27, 2020 This week Misty and Amarilys tackled a film chosen strictly for its location, Jasper Mall. The film documents a year in the life of a dying mall. Let's just say that we are big fans.
This mall isn't just a building It's home to 25 years worth of business for a local florist, home to a young couple's courtship, home to an aging man's last years, and home for memories of people and events gone by. It's almost living and breathing and at this time, is holding on for dear life.
We were privileged to speak with writers/producers/directors Bradford Thomason and Brett Whitcomb and are grateful for their time. It was a great chat and honestly, we had another hour's worth of questions but didn't want to push our luck . Moral of the story is this: WATCH JASPER MALL.
Available on all Video on Demand platforms including iTunes and Amazon Prime and if you're anywhere within driving distance of Jasper, go visit and support the local merchants. They sure could use it. . Find Jasper Mall on Twitter: @jaspermall