Too bad, OGTeam, you got SNAKE EYES! (beaten up Nic Cage voice) Or at the very least you've got a case of the Kevin Dunnes because you're about to be embroiled in the slipperiest conspiraciest secret operation out there: one Paul likes a Nic Cage film, he's decided to defend it, and we barely discuss Nic Cage at all! At least compared to normal. Probably because it's Brian De Palma's Snake Eyes.
So grab your ticket (I put it in your pool of goodwill while you were sleeping), pull up a fight-night seat right next to your favourite Gary Sinise and get ready for an earful on Brian De Palma's SNAAAAAKE EEEEYYYYEEES. Please.
Featuring: an Owen Wilson mwow, a justified perv, the scandal of a thirteen-year old and the light prism that is the many soul permutations of Kevin Dunne.
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My soundtracks for Role To Cast's Cyberpunk 2020 and Vampire the Masquerade campaigns can be found on Soundcloud!
Check out Paul Salt's reviews on Screen Mayhem HERE! But mainly, here: