One hundred and six, death by sticks! That's right, it's another high-concept episode with a six at the end where the Pauls talk not at you or even each other, but position themselves in front of the mirror and say things they've thought about in advance about film soundtracks until the glass fogs up and they believe the spirits sated once again.
Before that happens however they discuss ORIGINAL MOVIE SCORES in fine and sexy detail! They conclude upon the greatest score-adjacent questions out there, including whether film soundtracks are any bloody good at all (they're not) and what makes a good score (nothing, because they are bad) before counting down their top ten original film scores of all time (Tomb Raider, Avatar, you know the rest). What majesty awaits!
Featuring: a lot of fair use and some actual physical passion. BUT ALSO a Spotify playlist featuring the Pauls' top ten soundtracks of all time. Go get stuck in!
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Jingles from episodes 1-50 now available on Bandcamp – just £2.50 for more than 20 tracks!
Dockhead by Paul Goodman is available in paperback for just £5.99. Thanks and please #supportindieauthors!
Check out Paul Salt's reviews on Screen Mayhem HERE! But mainly, here: