Who's there? The strangest decision Keanu Reeves has ever allowed to be captured on film. The Pauls throw caution to the wind and have a saucy threesome with Eli Roth only to find themselves players in a dangerous(ly dated) game of sex and death. Can they resist Roth's cinematic curves and save their relationship with their loving wife, Jem and the Holograms? Or will they end up buried in the garden?
Featuring: a bold innovation in poetry, the 1970s, terrible ubers, a life plan for the millenial generation. one of the most promising actors of our age, Keanu Reeves and comedy?
We are proud members of the Alottagreen Network – you can check out two enormous fistfuls of quality Australian content at http://alottagreen.com.au like classic OGTeamers!
Jingles from episodes 1-50 now available on Bandcamp – just £2.50 for more than 20 tracks! https://ogtpod.bandcamp.com/releases
Dockhead by Paul Goodman is available in paperback for just £5.99. Thanks and please #supportindieauthors! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dockhead-Paul-Goodman/dp/1521335648/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&dpID=41Yh2Hhu87L&dpPl=1&keywords=dockhead&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&qid=1507380952&ref=plSrch&ref_=mp_s_a_1_1&sr=8-1
Check out Paul Salt's reviews on Screen Mayhem HERE! But mainly, here: https://screenmayhem.com/author/paul-salt/