Baaa baaaa, ba-ba-ba-baaaaaaaa-baaaaaaa, ba-ba-ba-BAAAAAAAA-BAAAAAAAA, ba-ba-ba-BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HUMBUG. In anticipation of The Rise of Skywalker the Pauls turn their positive butts over to painstakingly pointing out every way in which Revenge of the Sith is not a good film, highlighting completely by accident the good things about it too. What a success those positive Pauls have made here! I'm glad all of you were here to see it.
Featuring: a murderous sociopath that's not who you think, droid kids, a lizard that goes whoop, fooled by a Jedi, friendly Sith Lord and the split second between having your limbs cut off and being set on fire.
We are proud members of the Alottagreen Network – you can check out two enormous fistfuls of quality Australian content at like classic OGTeamers!
Jingles from episodes 1-50 now available on Bandcamp – just £2.50 for more than 20 tracks!
Dockhead by Paul Goodman is available in paperback for just £5.99. Thanks and please #supportindieauthors!
Check out Paul Salt's reviews on Screen Mayhem HERE! But mainly, here: