Oh, to talk with the animals, to laugh and cry and move to Mexico with the animals - we all love animals in the multiple definitions of all of those words, but what happens when someone does away with the meaning of words altogether, pushing Robert Downey Jr. aside in the face to rely only on Kumail Nanjiani delivering one liners via the medium of annoying CGI character? It worked for MIB International, but how does he do that without words, Paul? HOW?! HOOOOOOO
The one good thing about Dolittle!
Featuring: Trailer Mistake Example, a new segment regarding how much we suck, some great jokes, English whimsy and the rage that inspires, Dread Pirate David Mitchell (not that one) and Willem Dafoe yelling at the ocean.
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Check out Paul Salt's reviews on Screen Mayhem HERE! But mainly, here: https://screenmayhem.com/author/paul-salt/
My soundtracks for Role To Cast's Cyberpunk 2020 and Vampire the Masquerade campaigns can be found on Soundcloud!