Tally ho and well met, traveller: my name is Count Paulkula and I am a legitimate TTRPG-type wanderer. Oh no! A magic missile! See?
Anyway, the Simpsons Index boys came on to talk up another oft-maligned and little-heard of part of a franchise no one cares about. Why? Because we asked them to! Your tax dollars at work.
Featuring: Captain Damn-It Dan the Toothpaste Man, Thorazine Birch, and Jeremy "in for a penny" Irons.
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Goodman's soundtracks for Role To Cast's Cyberpunk and Vampire the Masquerade campaigns can be found on Soundcloud!
Check out Paul Salt's reviews on Screen Mayhem HERE! But mainly, here: https://screenmayhem.com/author/paul-salt/