And so into the grey those sweet Paulboyz ride – MATTHEW GREY (GRAY) that is. He (@clockworkwriter) suggested we do some of the movie movies, we put it to a poll, nobody could make up their bloody minds and now the Paulboyz are stuck with three hours of something approximating satire. It was witnessed, recorded and swiftly dumped into a well. Was it a wishing well? H.G. Wells? Welwyn Garden City? Nobody knows, so dense are the references. Better just ask Crispin Glover like we always do.
Featuring: poor duck, some women?, Leslie Nielsen, good English stretchface and some preferable if questionable alternatives.
Email the Paulboyz with your questions/pleas at [email protected] – even better than that, come follow us on Podbean, either on the app or at
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Want to support OGT? Jingles from episodes 1-50 now available on Bandcamp – just £2.50 for more than 20 tracks!
Dockhead, the novel by OGT’s Paul Goodman, is available in paperback for just £5.99. Thanks and please #supportindieauthors!