Happy 90th everyone! You're all 90 now (Sorry about that) so come listen to us loudly defend The Shadow 1994. The guy who made Highlander 2 struck gold again with this psychic superhero, played actorly by Alan Baldwin (or something). It's like Batman 89 meets legally mandated changes to the script to make it less like Batman 89. Who knows what comedy lies in the heart of a 90s blockbuster flop? The Pauls might.
Featuring: Tim Curry The Cartoon Reptile, ageless composite effects, Raymond's Dad, sultry dames, a whole bunch of cackling, wanking Robert Openheimer, bumbly Ian Mckellan and a horrifying secret from Paul Salt's mysterious cockney childhood.
Here's our YouTube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6rqzjoDWt8D-p37gU43pcQ - subscribe and share!
Jingles from episodes 1-50 now available on Bandcamp – just £2.50 for more than 20 tracks! https://ogtpod.bandcamp.com/releases
Dockhead by Paul Goodman is available in paperback for just £5.99. Thanks and please #supportindieauthors! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dockhead-Paul-Goodman/dp/1521335648/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&dpID=41Yh2Hhu87L&dpPl=1&keywords=dockhead&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&qid=1507380952&ref=plSrch&ref_=mp_s_a_1_1&sr=8-1
Goodman's review of Javier Marías' Berta Isla here: https://www.readings.com.au/review/berta-isla-by-javier-mar-as
Check out Paul Salt's reviews on Screen Mayhem HERE! And also here: https://screenmayhem.com/author/paul-salt/