This episode of MIAMI NICE hosts Katie Walsh and Blake Howard joins Associate professor of philosophy MIT, movie podcaster about movies: Cows in the Field. Katie, Blake and Justin talk about the epic tragedy, imagining Ricardo and Trudy's exhibited through Sonny's perspective and Mann's depiction of the sublime.
I am an associate professor of philosophy at MIT. Before coming to MIT, I did my graduate work in philosophy at Yale and was an undergraduate at UC-Davis. I work in philosophy of language and philosophical logic on topics at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics. I also have research interests in metaphysics, meta-ethics, and social and political philosophy. Those curious to learn more about my work may want to check out my interview with 3:AM magazine. I am an Associate Editor of Linguistics and Philosophy and the Logic & Language Section Editor for Philosophy Compass. Outside of philosophy, I watch movies and discuss them on a podcast, Cows in the Field.
TWITTER: @juskhoo
One Heat Minute Productions
PATREON: One Heat Minute Productions Patreon
TWITTER: @OneBlakeMinute @katiewalshstx & @OHMPods