Hang onto your slipcases because Alexei Toliopoulos (Finding Drago, Total Reboot) and Blake Howard (One Heat Minute) team up to unbox, unpack and unveil upcoming physical media releases. The episode features in-depth reviews of Chameleon Films Collection 1 - BREAKING NEWS, SUMMER TIME MACHINE BLUES and EXILED.
Finding Yeezus - Who made Kanye Quest 3030? [Ep1]
Blake Howard - Twitter & One Heat Minute Website
Alexei Toliopoulos - Twitter & Total Reboot
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One Heat Minute Productions
WEBSITE: oneheatminute.com
TWITTER: @OneBlakeMinute & @OHMPods
MERCH: https://www.teepublic.com/en-au/stores/one-heat-minute-production