Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield
Do you know the most common legal mistake most entrepreneurs make when starting their first online business? Well, I didn’t either, until now!
I recently got to chat with Gena Shingle Jaffe, a ultra-successful lawyer turned entrepreneur who is on a mission to educate and empower entrepreneurs to learn about the incredibly important legal side of online business.
Gena spells out in this eye opening discussion the five essential legal documents that every entrepreneur with an online business needs and where these documents should be on your website.
Familiarize and empower yourself with these essential insights here.
Gena’s inside secrets really create a clear path toward feeling really good about the law and your business. The five essential documents will help you:
Gena also breaks down the ever-elusive copyright and trademark definitions and what you need to take action on right away to make sure your business is protected.
We also share the website address for where you can check to see if you’re infringing on anyone else’s trademark—or (better yet) if the business name is up for grabs!
You may never have thought you’d feel knowledgeable on the topic of your business and the law, but believe me after learning these concepts from Gena, you will know how to avoid being caught off-guard.
Remember at the end of the day you can’t control everything that happens online. However, if you do nothing else for your business, protect yourself and your business by listening to what’s in this episode.
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